
Five people killed in Italy helicopter crash 

Five people were killed after a helicopter crash in Italy,...

Zelensky says stopping Russian invasion crucial for whole world

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, speaking remotely at the Shangri-La Dialogue...

300,000 tonnes of grain in Ukraine’s destroyed warehouses by 'Russian shelling'

Up to 300,000 tonnes of grain may have been stored...

Russia gets higher energy revenue now than before Ukraine war: US official

Russia may be getting more revenue from its fossil fuels...

Hailing Peter the Great, Putin draws parallel with mission to 'return' Russian lands

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid tribute on Thursday to Tsar...

Russian FM says Ukraine can resume grain shipments by de-mining its ports

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday the onus was...

Ukraine grain exports capped at 2.0m tonnes per month

Ukraine will only be able to export a maximum 2.0...

World must tell Taliban it's going in wrong direction, says German foreign minister

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock called for the international community...

Fierce street fighting in Ukraine's Sievierodonetsk

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukrainian troops were engaged in fierce...

US wins authority to seize Russian oligarch's planes

A US court on Monday issued warrants for the seizure...

UK's Boris Johnson wins confidence vote but suffers big rebellion

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson survived a confidence vote on...

US media in Moscow may lose accreditation, warns Russia

Russia warned US news organisations on Monday they risked being...

Ukrainian, Russian troops fight to win control of industrial city

Ukrainian and Russian troops fought street-by-street to win control of...

Three countries block Russian FM’s plane from travelling to Serbia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Serbia was cancelled...

British prime minister faces confidence vote after ‘partygate’ scandal

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will face a confidence vote...

Putin warns US against supplying longer-range missiles to Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States in an...

Russia’s sanctions may cost Germans an extra $5.4b a year

Russia’s sanctions against Gazprom Germania and its subsidiaries could cost...

Putin says Russian anti-aircraft forces 'cracking' enemy weapons 'like nuts'

Russian anti-aircraft forces have shot down dozens of Ukrainian weapons...

Ukraine says Russian troops are pushed back in key eastern city

Kyiv said on Saturday it was pushing back Russian troops...

Ukraine says Russian troops are trying to cut access to Sievierodonetsk

Kyiv said on Saturday Moscow had reinforced its troops around...

Deadly secret: Electronic warfare shapes Russia-Ukraine war

On Ukraine’s battlefields, the simple act of powering up a...

Ukraine says its troops have pushed back Russian advance in eastern city

Ukraine said it had recaptured a chunk of the factory...

Queen Elizabeth thanked for being 'still in the saddle' after 70 years

Britain's Queen Elizabeth was thanked for being "in the saddle"...