
The Samya Rumo Stumo Memorial Fellowship is accepting applications

| Updated: May 19, 2022 15:52:39

The Samya Rumo Stumo Memorial Fellowship is accepting applications

The Samya Rumo Stumo Memorial Fellowship for Global Health seeks to mentor emerging women leaders in the field of global health. This fellowship has been named after Samya Stumo who tragically died in an airline crash in 2019. She was a passionate leader aspiring for universal health coverage. 

Host Institute: Thinkwell Institute 

Name of the fellowship: The Samya Rose Stumo Memorial Fellowship for Global Health

Nationality: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Kenya, and the Philippines. 

Number of Awards: not specified


The fellowship experience will include:

  • Country mentorship guidance from ThinkWell’s leading global health experts.
  • Weekly virtual classes and mentorship on business skills and entrepreneurship.
  • Workshops and lectures from prominent global health leaders.
  • A monthly stipend to support their work and professional development.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • We seek applications from women who want to pursue work in global health, have demonstrated leadership in their communities, and are interested in improving health outcomes in their communities. 
  • Individuals must be willing to commit one year to this fellowship as their primary activity (40hrs/wk). 
  • The fellowship stipend is meant to be equivalent to a full-time employee salary.
  • Individuals must embody ThinkWell's core values, exhibit professional excellence and potential, and share our belief that every citizen deserves access to affordable, quality health services.

Check the application link for full details.

Application Process:

Interested individuals are encouraged to apply by sending:

  • CV outlining education, experience, and accomplishments.
  • 1 letter of recommendation describing how the candidate exemplifies strong merits and commitment to the field of global health.
  • A 1–2-page (single-spaced) statement of interest about a project for improved health outcomes in their community/country.

Check the application link for full details.

Application Link: 

Interested applicants can check this link for details - https://cutt.ly/OHxroyg

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