The Financial Express

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New markets for Bangladesh garments

New markets for Bangladesh garments

Forrest Cookson 2017-11-29 01:54:46

This article describes the unfortunate situation facing Bangladesh garment exporters in gaining access to markets in two key economic allies, India and China. Both countries have very important econo...

Role and importance of efficient accountants in RMG sector

Role and importance of efficient accountants in RMG sector

Fauzia Haque 2017-11-29 01:40:46

Generally, we all say, finance is the heart of any company, but do we believe it wholeheartedly? Maybe the answer is "No". Why? As an argument for such an answer, it may be mentioned that in our count...

Labour migration: Making recruitment mechanism transparent

Labour migration: Making recruitment mechanism transparent

Md. Sharif Hasan 2017-11-27 09:17:32

In the current reality, for many people migrating abroad as workers is a 'right' decision. There are many reasons for this. Major development programmes of the government to improve the agricultural s...

Adding to chaos and confusion

Adding to chaos and confusion

Nilratan Halder 2017-11-24 12:00:00

At a time when the mayor of the Dhaka South City Corporation has waged a war on footpath vendors at Gulistan and in adjoining areas, Shahbagh and Farmgate appear to be the happy hunting ground for the...

Diving deep into marine salvage nitty-gritty

Diving deep into marine salvage nitty-gritty

Md. Golam Sarwar 2017-11-24 11:42:52

As the saying goes, ship salvage is a science of vague assumptions based on debatable figures taken from inconclusive instruments, performed with equipment of problematic accuracy, by persons of doubt...

A story of alienation

A story of alienation

A.K. Enamul Haque 2017-11-24 11:41:06

The Brahmaputra is one of the largest Asian rivers that runs through China, Nepal, India and Bangladesh. On its journey from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal (around 3800 km), it has hosted civilisa...

Is this the time to buy government-owned oil companies?

Is this the time to buy government-owned oil companies?

-- 2017-11-21 12:00:00

The fuel and power sector was flat in Dhaka Stock exchange in the last six months, failing to generate any total return to the shareholders. Price performance of the three government-owned oil compa...

Social rot taking a heavy toll

Social rot taking a heavy toll

Nilratan Halder 2017-11-18 12:11:37

Ashamed and stigmatised, a village housewife in Vedarganj under Madaripur District has left her locality for an unknown place, another, whose husband is a migrant with employment abroad, equally victi...

Bottling the genie of paedophilia

Bottling the genie of paedophilia

Mehnaaz Pervin Tuli 2017-11-18 12:10:28

Now a days, the topic of child abuse has become a burning issue even in our country. In order to unravel the causes behind child abuse, it is indispensable and absolutely important to talk about the m...

Popularising sport for promoting peace and well-being

Popularising sport for promoting peace and well-being

Helal Uddin Ahmed 2017-11-18 12:00:00

National and international sports bodies and organisations from Albania to Zimbabwe joined in the global celebrations of the first-ever International Day of Sport for Development and Peace in 2014. La...

The truth behind the US show of force in Asia

The truth behind the US show of force in Asia

Peter Apps 2017-11-14 12:00:00

As President Donald Trump tours Asia, three US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle groups are exercising together in the Pacific. It's an awesome display of US military power and reach, a reminder...

Climate change: Rebutting deniers and wafflers

Climate change: Rebutting deniers and wafflers

Friday Phiri 2017-11-13 12:00:00

As negotiators meet in Bonn to put together a deal to implement the Paris Agreement, John Holdren, a professor of environmental policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,...

Tragic boat journey for JSC examinees

Tragic boat journey for JSC examinees

Nilratan Halder 2017-11-11 12:44:32

The capsize of a boat with JSC (Junior School Certificate) examinees in the Pagla River in Nabinagar Upazila of Brahmanbaria should have mortified the national conscience but, it seems, it has not. Th...

Talking environment thru stories

Talking environment thru stories

Shihab Sarkar 2017-11-11 12:43:20

Unlike many other major literatures, the one of Bangla has long been gifted with a rich genre comprising writings for children. However, there are exceptions found in English literature with Lewis Car...

Reaping the benefit of green building

Reaping the benefit of green building

-- 2017-11-11 12:41:46

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) form a set of strategic pathways to guide our development agenda over many challenges like poverty, inequality, climate change etc. To overcome these mega chal...

Maria village: A model for attaining SDG 6

Maria village: A model for attaining SDG 6

Minhazur Rahman Rezvi 2017-11-11 12:40:33

Clean drinking water and healthy sanitation are essential for health. Bangladesh has ensured 87 per cent people's access to safe water and 61 per cent's access to improved sanitation. The government o...

Income inequality and poverty in Bangladesh

Income inequality and poverty in Bangladesh

Muhammad Mahmood 2017-11-11 09:44:44

There has been a sharp rise in income equality over the last four decades in developed economies but the process has been accelerating since the global financial crisis (GFC) of  2007-08. This ri...

Edible insect industry: New doorway to nutrition

Edible insect industry: New doorway to nutrition

Md Fuad Mondal 2017-11-10 09:29:45

Edible insects refer to the insects that are brought under human consumption or consumption as animal feed. Edible insects contain high quality protein, vitamin, fibres and amino acids for humans and...

Easing trade-impeding barriers

Easing trade-impeding barriers

Asjadul Kibria 2017-11-06 06:28:16

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has launched an initiative under its South Asian Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) programme to conduct country and regional diagnostic studies on Sanitary and...

Tale of bread and biscuit in local market

Tale of bread and biscuit in local market

Nilratan Halder 2017-11-04 12:33:15

A quiet revolution has taken place on the bread and biscuit manufacturing front. Not long ago, tinned biscuits, sealed cakes from a few South-east Asian countries captured the market here. Even parata...

A tribute Sher-e-Bangla A K Fazlul Huq

A tribute Sher-e-Bangla A K Fazlul Huq

Syed Badrul Haque 2017-11-04 12:32:15

October 26 is a date with an asterisk in our national life. On this day, 144 years ago, Sher-e-Bangla A K Fazlul Huq was born at his grandparents' village home at Saturia in Jhalakathi district. A uni...

Into the 16th year of torch-bearing

Into the 16th year of torch-bearing

Raihan M Chowdhury 2017-11-04 12:30:22

The literary journal Natun Diganta's stepping into its 16th year of publication is undoubtedly a remarkable event in our world of journals. The 61 issues, published so far included assorted contributi...

Dividing education is dividing culture

Dividing education is dividing culture

Saifur Rashid 2017-11-04 12:29:20

Over the last few years some light has fallen on the education system, especially madrasas and other Islamic religion-based institutions, with questions being raised by governments, local and internat...

Pakistani wife kills 15 in-laws bid to poison husband

Pakistani wife kills 15 in-laws bid to poison husband

BBC 2017-11-01 01:10:28

A newlywed woman in Pakistan has been arrested on suspicion of killing her husband and at least 14 of his relatives with poisoned milk. Police claim Asiya Bibi had intended the deadly substance for h...

A unique platform for the global textile value-chain

A unique platform for the global textile value-chain

Christian Schindler 2017-10-30 00:00:00

The International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) is one of the oldest non-governmental and non-profit international trade organisations. It was founded in 1904 and comprises members from the...

Ethiopia: A new competitor for Bangladesh RMG export?

Ethiopia: A new competitor for Bangladesh RMG export?

Zillul Hye Razi 2017-10-30 00:00:00

During last few years, a lot of positive reports and studies were published showing Ethiopia becoming a major clothing or apparel source for the EU and US importers. In 2014, one Bangladeshi corporate...

Labour rights better now: BGMEA chief

Labour rights better now: BGMEA chief

Monira Munni 2017-10-30 00:00:00

Labour rights situation in the country's readymade garment sector has improved in recent years thanks to the mid-level managements and workers for reducing their gap, according to BGMEA president Sidd...

Stakeholder mapping, engagement  strategies crucial for RMG industry

Stakeholder mapping, engagement strategies crucial for RMG industry

Shaharbanu Ahmed 2017-10-30 00:00:00

The readymade garment (RMG) industry is the leading sector in Bangladesh in terms of foreign exchange earnings. The sector witnessed on average 16 per cent year-on-year growth since 1990 up to fiscal...

Bangladesh RMG industry needs innovation, but the risks must be managed

Bangladesh RMG industry needs innovation, but the risks must be managed

Bill Humphries 2017-10-30 00:00:00

Bangladesh's position in the RMG industry is based on its bountiful supply of cheap labour and the relatively simple technology needed to establish an RMG enterprise. Foreign investment has been impor...

Are enough actions being taken to ensure safe working conditions in RMG industry?

Are enough actions being taken to ensure safe working conditions in RMG industry?

Labiba Fairooz 2017-10-30 00:00:00

The Readymade Garments (RMG) industry in Bangladesh has been under considerable scrutiny owing to a range of high-profile disasters over the last decade. Overview of RMG Industry in Bangladesh: The h...