The Financial Express

Search results for: Review

Brexit and King Canute

Brexit and King Canute

Anatole Kaletsky in London 2016-08-17 20:26:51

The legend of King Canute describes how an early Anglo-Saxon King showed his subjects the limits of royal power. Canute set his throne by the sea and commanded the rising tide to turn back. When th...

Recalling the tragedy of August 15, 1975

Recalling the tragedy of August 15, 1975

Muhammad Quamrul Islam 2016-08-14 20:28:31

In 1975, we were about 34 years of age in respective professional positions after passing out of Dhaka University in 1961. The preceding years were a period of academic serenity, democratic pursuit...

US professor delves into economic divide

US professor delves into economic divide

Syed Mahbubur Rashid 2016-08-11 20:31:04

Joseph E. Stiglitz left academia in 1993 to serve on the Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton. From there he moved to the World Bank in 1997. He served as its Chief Economist a...

Equitable provision of early childhood care and education

Equitable provision of early childhood care and education

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2016-08-11 20:23:49

Early childhood care and education (ECCE) has become a key concern for education policy-makers and stakeholders. There is mounting research evidence on its benefits for children's capacities an...

Free trade\'s diminishing returns

Free trade\'s diminishing returns

Jomo Kwame Sundaram in Kuala Lumpur and Vladimir Popov in Moscow 2016-08-06 19:33:10

In its May 2010 "Global Survey," McKinsey & Company reported that, "the core drivers of globalisation are alive and well." In an April 2014 report, the firm went further, declaring that, "to be unc...

Brexit fudge: The British are quite comfortable with ambiguity

Brexit fudge: The British are quite comfortable with ambiguity

Harold James in London 2016-08-05 20:04:52

"Brexit means Brexit," Theresa May, the United Kingdom's new prime minister, insists. It is a simple and powerful slogan that sends an unmistakable message to all who have been hoping for a ree...

Sustainable development through environmental protection

Sustainable development through environmental protection

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2016-08-04 17:43:23

We now live in a modern, consumerist and largely urbanised world, where environmental protection is generally acknowledged as a prime concern while dealing with the future of humanity. Economists...

Bangladesh: Inclusiveness versus xenophobia

Bangladesh: Inclusiveness versus xenophobia

Shihab Sarkar 2016-08-04 17:40:02

Even 10 to 15 years ago, busy Dhaka roads and popular social and commercial hubs were frequently used to watching foreigners moving about freely. They were seen taking photographs, trying to pick a...

Factoring market is on the rise

Factoring market is on the rise

Mohammad Rafiqul Islam 2016-08-03 17:53:34

There are two types of financing under documentary credit:  Pre-shipment financing n LC  PACKING CREDIT  Post-Shipment Financing  BILL PURCHASED  UPAS  LATR   LIM DOCUMENTARY COLLECTIONS:...

Australia\'s puerile politics on the global stage

Australia\'s puerile politics on the global stage

Gareth Evans in Canberra 2016-08-02 18:32:41

For students of incomprehensible behaviour by otherwise apparently intelligent leaders, Australian politics is the gift that keeps on giving. The latest example is the decision by Prime Minister Ma...

Brexit -- not an unexpected move!

Brexit -- not an unexpected move!

Nironjan Roy from Toronto 2016-08-01 19:55:26

During the last one month, hectic discussion has been going on across the world over Britain's exit from European Union (EU), which has gained popularity as an acronymic term Brexit. Everywhere...

How Bengalee reformers shaped the educational thoughts of society

How Bengalee reformers shaped the educational thoughts of society

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2016-07-28 21:09:35

'Education' is a social phenomenon as well as an indispensable component of social structure. Since ancient times, education has been considered the main engine for reconstruction of societ...

Essentials of the Qur\'an for Muslims

Essentials of the Qur\'an for Muslims

-- 2016-07-28 21:06:52

Essentials of the Qur'an for Muslims, authored by Barrister Salauddin Ahmed, is yet another seminal publication in the broad spectrum of Islam. In the present book, the author has covered t...

The Basel III Accord--its impact on economy

The Basel III Accord--its impact on economy

Mohd Jamil Hossain 2016-07-24 20:17:49

Banks are a vital part of a nation's economy. In their traditional role as financial intermediaries, banks serve to meet the demand of those who need funding. With the advent of globalisation,...

A nostalgic collage of memories

A nostalgic collage of memories

Asjadul Kibria 2016-07-21 20:07:47

Dhaka has been changing fast, especially over the last two decades. Many features characteristic of the city have disappeared. Lots of those who grew up during the 1970s and '80s in the city no...

Terror in Dhaka: Pain of a Bangladeshi-American

Terror in Dhaka: Pain of a Bangladeshi-American

Munir Quddus from Houston, USA 2016-07-19 20:31:46

The recent tragedy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where a group of young terrorists stormed a café in the city's diplomatic residential area, Gulshan and killed 20 innocent people, mostly foreigner visi...

US presidential polls race generates heat

US presidential polls race generates heat

Mohammad Amjad Hossain 2016-07-18 18:17:40

The selection of presidential nominee by the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee will be completed this month against the backdrop of difficult times for the two pre...

For meaningful reforms of the University of Dhaka

For meaningful reforms of the University of Dhaka

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2016-07-14 20:42:45

The University of Dhaka, the oldest and largest University in today's Bangladesh, started its journey on the first day of July in 1921. Its role in the sovereign Bengalee nation's formation...

Passing the Eid Day in the city of Dhaka

Passing the Eid Day in the city of Dhaka

Shihab Sarkar 2016-07-14 20:41:02

The gore and tragic deaths had occurred at Gulshan in the city on July 1, just five days before Eid-ul-Fitr. The country, including Dhaka, soon found itself caught in a haze of gloom and fear. It c...

Chilcot report: Tony Blair finds himself in the eye of the storm

Chilcot report: Tony Blair finds himself in the eye of the storm

Mohammad Amjad Hossain from Virginia, USA 2016-07-12 18:42:39

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is now facing condemnation for his role in Iraq war. It followed release of a seven-year probe report by an inquiry  committee, headed by Sir John Chilcot,...

Indian banking conundrum and Rajan\'s exit from RBI

Indian banking conundrum and Rajan\'s exit from RBI

Sayed Kamaluddin 2016-07-10 20:28:54

While the Indians are grappling with apparent uncertainties caused by a sudden change of the governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the country's central bank, a top private banker has ac...

Bangladesh\'s 9/11 and lessons learnt

Bangladesh\'s 9/11 and lessons learnt

M Serajul Islam 2016-07-09 22:30:36

Dhaka is shell shocked, especially the elites of the city. The terrorist act at Artisan Bakery Cafe where nine Italians, seven Japanese, one Indian and three Bangladeshis were killed in the hands o...

Cyber crime affects society in different ways

Cyber crime affects society in different ways

Mohammad Anisur Rahaman 2016-07-04 19:37:49

Cyber crime is any criminal act related to computers and networks which is called hacking, phishing, spamming or is used as a tool to commit an offence (child pornography and hate crimes) conducted...

NATO-Moscow stand-off: Global tension mounts

NATO-Moscow stand-off: Global tension mounts

Sayed Kamaluddin 2016-07-02 19:36:13

A few weeks ago, America's new military commander of NATO, General Curtis Scaparriti had warned that the US-led alliance "Must be prepared to go to war against Russia at any moment" because of...

Publishers\' quest for freedom

Publishers\' quest for freedom

Shihab Sarkar 2016-06-30 20:44:38

Since its fledgling days in the early fifties in the then East Pakistan, commercial book publication in this land has been beset by some basic problems. Substandard production of creative books and...

Keys to entrepreneurial success

Keys to entrepreneurial success

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2016-06-30 20:40:16

Enterprises are the principal source of economic growth and employment, and their importance is universally accepted today. Economic growth is fuelled, first and foremost, by the creativity and har...

The Dubai Syndrome: Studying dynamics of migration

The Dubai Syndrome: Studying dynamics of migration

Abdul Bayes 2016-06-28 18:51:40

Even a decade ago, migration was not considered to be as important a subject in academic or policy-related discussions as it is today. We observe a growing interest in the subject in the recent pas...

Ranjit Biswas -- a great fighter

Ranjit Biswas -- a great fighter

Helal Uddin Ahmed 2016-06-26 18:45:06

One of my most favourite elder colleagues and renowned writer-cum-satirist Ranjit'Da (retired senior secretary of GOB Ranjit Kumar Biswas) is no more. His demise due to cardiac arrest at Chitta...

Creating an enabling environment for private investment

Creating an enabling environment for private investment

Muhammad Abdul Mazid 2016-06-26 18:10:09

The national budget proposals have been made with the objective of (1) accelerating economic growth, reducing poverty, and creating higher employment opportunities which are required to implement t...

The role of hospitality industry

The role of hospitality industry

MH Rahman 2016-06-25 19:23:52

The decision taken by the Cabinet on April 04, 2016 to evict all commercial entities from the residential areas in Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, Dhanmandi and Uttara within six months came as a bolt...