
Staying mentally healthy during coronavirus pandemic

| Updated: April 16, 2020 13:02:03

Staying mentally healthy during  coronavirus pandemic

As the COVID 19 pandemic swept throughout the world, our lives are not the same any more.  Fighting the pandemic required stricter controls on how people interact with each other to an extent that a nationwide general shutdown has been imposed for the best. Although a huge of portion of the white collar workers are still working from home, this has taken a toll on everyone's mental health. Under such dire circumstances, it is important to stay fit and healthy- not just physically but also mentally to successfully walk through this situation.

The toll on mental health

While a great many funny anecdotes are circulating on social media sites about how the introverts have been preparing for this lockdown for a long time, it is not as funny for the so-called extroverts. The impact of this lockdown on both professionals and homemakers cannot be neglected. In a professional context, many people prefer face to face conversation as an effective mode of communication and as such might face huge discomfort while communicating online or via mobile phones for critical issues. Furthermore, such communication might even be ineffective and unclear if one party is holding information due to unease. Another aspect is that working professionals often enjoy social gatherings and travelling as a way to feel relaxed after the hard work they have been putting in. This lockdown is definitely taking a toll on such professionals who are probably working 9 am to 9 pm now that office hours are blurred while working from home. With the entire family being cooped up at home, it is no secret that the homemakers are spending their busiest time of the year, with no personal time or comfort. The woes of the homemakers often remain unsung, but how fair it is to neglect their mental wellbeing when it is really them who fuel us up for the day ahead.

Thus, the first step is to acknowledge the fact that this situation is affecting the mental health of the general mass to a great extent. However, the situation is beyond control and it is upon us to devise small steps to keep ourselves mentally healthy and sound.

Maintaining a proper sleep cycle

The lockdown has resulted many to adapt an unhealthy life style, with an even unhealthier sleep cycle. This might seem irrelevant but sleep cycle does affect the mental health to a great extent. Waking up early in the morning allows one some personal time before staring work/studies for the day. This personal time, if utilised well, can boost up one's mood for the day. For example, slight stretches/exercises or helping oneself to a cup of tea/coffee while breathing fresh air in the balcony in the morning helps one to clear the mind and function well throughout the day.

Maintaining a healthy diet

The lockdown has resulted in physical activities to come down to a bare minimum. However, it has caused binge-watching series/movies, while binge eating munchies to go up significantly. Although sugar rush often creates a feeling of joy in our brains, it is soon followed by a feeling of despair when one checks the bathroom scales. It is natural for many to not be in their best shape during this period of minimal physical strain, but one should realise that the way one treats his/her body often affect them mentally. Thus, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet during this time is crucial to keeping mentally sound and feeling good about oneself.

Bonding with family

It is said that work life balance is a myth. Some have already faced it and some are battling to accept it. However, this lockdown enables many professionals, to for the first time in their lives share a lunch table with their loved ones, to gossip and chit-chat and support each other in such difficult times. This might be a blessing in disguise, which will only be realised when the world is finally back to normal. Meanwhile, it is an excellent opportunity to bond with one's family, doing household chores together, cooking together and enjoying the little things of life that make it worthwhile.

To-do lists

This lockdown poses a chance to get on with one's personal goals and hobbies. A common complain among the youth is the lack of time to pursue their interests or hobbies. In case of young professionals, there is a lot of struggle to even keep up with personal chores of organising the closet, reading a book, watching a movie, catching up with friends etc. A nice and tidy way to utilise the free time in this lockdown it to make a to-do list of one's pending tasks and tick off the tasks from that list every day. This will enable one to remain busy, keeping the mind productive and engaged as well provide mental satisfaction of having things done- a sense of accomplishment necessary to keep one vibrant in these depressing times. This is also a good time to drop a message to one's loved ones and keep in touch, know how they are doing and whether they are well. This can be a very affectionate gesture that helps one to keep mental health at bay.

Stay home, stay healthy and safe

The battle we are fighting is a tough one and there is no denying the fact that the world might change for good in its outcome. But it is our first and foremost duty to ensure that we live to see the changed world for better or for worse. To do that, there is just one mental note to keep: Stay home, stay healthy and safe.

The writer completed her BBA from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka and is now working in the central finance team of a financial institution. She can be reached at [email protected]

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