The Financial Express

Policymaking competition launched at BUP

Policymaking competition launched at BUP

Bangladesh University of Professionals Economics Club (BUPEC) is organising one of its signature events - POMAC 2.0. 

It is a policymaking competition that introduces the participants to myriads of problems regarding the policies undertaken in Bangladesh in a certain sector and sets them up to come up with the best ideas that can positively contribute towards improving the situation. 

This is one of the biggest university-level policymaking competitions in the country. 

Mohammad Samsnur, the General Secretary of BUPEC, commented, "BUPEC excels in organising the most unique and brain-teasing events for its participants. Students often perceive economics and policymaking as quite abstract and complex concepts. Through POMAC, our goal is to introduce them to real-life macroeconomic challenges which can be successfully resolved through appropriate policy interventions." 

In this year's event, the participants will go through 3 layers of competition to achieve the title of the Champion. Throughout these layers, the participants will be given contexts based on certain practical situations of Bangladesh and they will have to identify the problems and reasons for the failure, will have to come up with their own ideas to solve the problem they have addressed and will defend their policies against other teams showing why it is better, more efficient and adaptable with the context of the budget undertaken by the Finance Ministry. 

The first round of this competition will be held online but the rest will take place on BUP premises. The grand finale of this competition will be a gala event. The chief guest is going to be the Planning Minister of Bangladesh, Muhammad Abdul Mannan. 

"Since its inception, BUP has always excelled in creating minds that can think out of the box. Incorporating this idea, we plan to enrich the minds of the university students of the entire country in the same manner, so that they can always remain a step ahead of the rest," said the President of BUPEC, Anindya Barua.

Back in 2019, BUPEC successfully organised the first edition of POMAC, which saw participants from all over the country. Interested students can get registration details on the event’s official page -  https://www.facebook.com/events/417203916517415/?active_tab=discussion

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