The Financial Express

NSU Bit Arena 2022: Platform to showcase talent in robotics

| Updated: December 09, 2022 20:35:13

A moment at NSU Bit Arena 2022 inauguration ceremony A moment at NSU Bit Arena 2022 inauguration ceremony

"Bit Arena 2022" was organised by the NSU Computer & Engineering Club following the Covid-19 Pandemic and a break of nearly five years. To begin the inauguration event, Dr Rajesh Palit, chairperson of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, released two pigeons. Dr Mohammad Monirujjaman Khan, the faculty adviser for NSUCEC, was present during the ceremony along with other guests and club members.
Bit Arena's two main events, the Boat Race and the Robo Race, took place on the North South University (NSU) campus on November 10. The sounds of students laughing and enjoying themselves filled the campus once more. Teams from different institutions took part in that competition.
There were two rounds of the robo race. Only 12 teams qualified for the second round after a fierce first round.
The second round was much more exciting and competitive. Every team tried hard to achieve their winning goal. The second round was held in the final track with all obstruct and bonus tasks. There was a tie for the runner-up position; "UIU Spartacus" and "Black Saber" scored the same points. So, a tie-breaking match was held between them, and "UIU Spartacus" won the runner-up title. "Kaktarua" won the champion title of the "Bit Arena 2022" Robo Race segment.
Another spectator event was the Boat Race. The air was filled with the whining of motors laboriously operating at maximum capacity and the cheers of the crowd as styrofoam collided with styrofoam.
Spectators and participants gathered alike at the NSU field to find an absolutely huge tank of water that was to act as the pool for the boat race. The boats had to manoeuvre their way around styrofoam obstacles which got increasingly more difficult with every round.
Amongst all the boats two consistently outperformed the other. "Team Choto Morich" and "Black Saber" were clearly a cut above the rest as they made their way through each round with grace and speed and found themselves in the final. "Team Choto Morich" was the youngest team in the competition with college students from Bangladesh Noubahini College. Their winning streak, however, was put to an end as the early lead they took in the final amounted to nothing as the boat got caught in the final and toughest turn in the race. "Black Saber" from Shaheed Suhrawardy College made their way from behind and overtook the struggling opposition. "Black Saber" would not let go of this lead and won the Boat Race segment in "Bit Arena 2022"!
Day 2 was arranged for Robo soccer and there were huge participants from all over Bangladesh.
Participants were divided into four groups. A noteworthy match was between Gladiator and Conqueror, it was also the first match of Day 2. Gladiator did the highest goal in the whole segment. In the match between "Team Raptor" and "Robot 369", the latter was defeated. One team was disqualified for an accusation of cheating. Team Globe accidentally scored an own goal. The exciting tournament came to end with the "Team Hawmaw" vs "Black Saber" match. "Black Saber" was the winner of the most chaotic segment.
Day 3 was set aside for the Robo Wars, in which two operational robots engaged in combat while attempting to demolish their rival. For their safety, the spectators were kept as far away from the arena as possible. The semi-final teams consisted of Black Saber from Shaheed Suhrawardy College from Group C, Perception from AIUB from Group B, and Lazy Shark from Brac University from Group A. Robo Wars was quite slow throughout and the thrills only lasted a short while because the devices needed continuous maintenance, which took a lot of time and patience. Some moments drove the audience to the edge, while others were nerve-wracking as the robots clashed and sparks flew everywhere. The final round was between "Lazy Shark" and "Perception," which didn't fail to keep the audience on their toes. At the end of the day, "Lazy Shark" quit the match, while "Perception" took the trophy home.

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