The Financial Express

CU Millennium Fellows with their impactful projects

CU Millennium Fellows with their impactful projects

United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) and Millennium Campus Network (MCN) selected four campuses from Bangladesh for the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2021. It is the first time Bangladesh has achieved the fellowship. 

Millennium Fellowship is a semester-long leadership program that brings together student leaders from around the world. It aims to assist students in developing values, professional abilities, and career paths necessary to thrive. 

In 2021, more than 120 campuses have been chosen to host over 2,000 Millennium Fellows. Fellows from CU have grabbed the opportunity by competing with over 25,000 undergrad leaders worldwide from over 2,200 campuses across 153 nations. They will represent the University of Chittagong and Bangladesh on this prestigious program with their five socially beneficial projects.

Israt Jahan Munni, Israt Jahan Leena, Mahmudul Hasan, Moriam Jahan Sayma, Umme Sayeda, Yeasin Arfat-- 6 of the Millennium Fellows from CU Cohort are working on 'Transforming Speciality,' a project that aims to focus on SDG 4 and SDG 8 and to support the low vision students of CU. They are working for the academic betterment, career and skill development of visually impaired students on campus. 

Md. Nafhsin Mabud Efti and Tanaya Nath are leading a project- 'Socialize Transgenders (Mainstreaming them in society)' with the support of Better Future Bangladesh, a government-registered volunteer organisation. The project focuses on SDG 5 and working for the transgender population by bringing them to civil society.

Abdullah Al Hasan, another Millennium Fellow from CU, is leading Pathchola Foundation. His organisation has been working to ensure social justice by empowering marginalised communities, creating employability and competency. His project focuses on SDG 5, SDG 13, SDG 16, and has already benefited about 200 beneficiaries. 

Khadija Rashni is leading her project - Prospect of Bangladesh, focusing on SDG 4. She has been working to ensure quality education for poor children for the last four years. Tasnim Rahman Nafis is leading an initiative to help rural communities called 'Shikkhai Shobar Mukti,' which aspires to provide universal education and eliminate gender discrimination.

The Millennium Fellowship Program is held from August to December in selected universities around the world to achieve SDGs. Enthusiasts can apply for a fellowship on the programme’s official website. 

A university is usually represented by 6 to 20 Fellows. At the end of the fellowship, a fellow is given a certificate of appreciation for his/her work by completing various activities throughout the semester. 

This year, a total of four universities in Bangladesh have been selected for the programme. Other universities are - Bangladesh University of Professionals, BRAC University and Asian University for Women. 

To apply, visit - https://www.millenniumfellows.org/apply

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