Two more Rohingya men dragged out of bed and shot dead in Cox’s Bazar

FE ONLINE DESK | Published: October 27, 2022 14:31:18 | Updated: October 27, 2022 17:16:23

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Two Rohingya men have been shot dead in the middle of the night at a refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar’s Ukhiya Upazila, reports.

The incident occurred at Rohingya Camp No. 17 in Palangkhali on Thursday, a day after another man was similarly dragged out of bed and gunned down in the same settlement.

The victims are Ayat Ullah, 40, and Md Yasin, 30, according to Captain Md Harun-ur-Rashid Chowdhury of the Armed Police Battalion.

Ayat and Yasin were asleep when a group of assailants stormed into their home and forcibly took them outside at night, he said.

Yasin was found dead with gunshot wounds to his body at a nearby alley. Ayat was declared dead by a doctor after he was rushed to Kutupalong MSF Hospital, the APBn captain said.

The assailants fled before law enforcers arrived on the scene. Police have launched efforts to identify and arrest the culprits, he added.

The bodies of the victims have been sent to Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital for autopsy.

As many as seven people, including two community leaders and a child, were shot dead at the Rohingya camp in Ukhiya this month.

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