Harassment against journalists declines sharply in 2019

FE Online Report | Published: January 16, 2020 18:27:19 | Updated: January 17, 2020 12:25:50

Harassment against journalists declines sharply in 2019

Journalist harassment decreased drastically across the country in 2019 compared to the previous year, according to a report by an independent rights body.

At least 142 journalists fell victim to harassment in 2019 while some 207 journalists faced harassment in 2018, according to a report by an independent rights body.

Of them, fourteen received death threats over phone during January-November period, the Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) report noted.

It also disclosed that 23 journalists were attacked and harassed by political parties and one was found to have died an unnatural death.

31 journalists were tortured and harassed by terrorists, the rights body said.

57 cases were filed against published news, the ASK data added. 


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