The Financial Express

Home-based turkey farm owners improve lot in Joypurhat

Home-based turkey farm owners  improve lot in Joypurhat

JOYPURHAT, Jan 3:  A good number home based farm owners are becoming self-reliant rearing turkey bird in Joypurhat district from last few years.

According to District Livestock Office (DLO) source, the farmers of the district have shown more interest to grow the hens as it's farming have proved more lucrative than other animal and birds within very short time.

They have provided all sort of necessary initiatives to make the livestock sectors as strong as prosperous, DLO added.

"I starts rearing birds investing Tk 5000 on 10 hens last year and sold them after 90 days of its rearing with Tk 30,000," said Abu Sayed Molamgarihat under Khetlal upazila of the district. "After selling them I purchase 60 chickens and reared them and sold them with Tk 90,000. I posses over 300 matured hens in my farms." he again said.

The farm owners of the region are mostly depending on boiled potato due to high price of feed from the last three months. They took a short training session from animal and husbandry department and applied the method on the bird whenever the birds have been caught with different diseases.

The zero age chicken is being sold from Tk 500 to 550 while a matured hen is being sold from Tk 1800 to 2000 in the retail market.

The farm owners are using metro nidazl medicine for dysentery and paracetamol medicine for fever to the hens.

District livestock officer Md. Abdus Salam Soner said, "Farmers have started rearing turkey bird on a small scale but the turkey farms is expanding gradually across the district as it is more lucrative than poultry farms. We encourage the farmers to rear the bird in their home based farms commercially" .          

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