The Financial Express

Fish production gains popularity in Rajshahi

| Updated: January 14, 2018 15:19:33

Photo: Collected Photo: Collected

Fish production has increased appreciably in Rajshahi district after taking multidimensional development and extension programmes.

"Fish production was 52,171 metric tonnes in 2009 while it increases to over 80,870 metric tonnes in 2017, District Fisheries Officer (Rajshahi) Subhash Chandra Shaha said.

Highlighting various progarmmes taken by the Department of Fisheries, he said about 95,477 kilograms of fish fingerlings were released in internal water-bodies to increase fish production.

Noting that some 18,751 fishermen were given registration, the Fisheries Officer said, of them, about 12,232 fishermen have already got identity cards so that they can get necessary supports and incentives from the government to improve their livelihood.

He said a total of 35 beel nurseries with area of 3,062.03 hectares were established in the district to boost the production of carp fishes while 15 fish sanctuaries were established with a view to preserving indigenous fish species, which are on the verge of extinction.

Around 50,176 people, who were involved in fish farming, were imparted training for enhancing fish production through improving their fish farming management, the Fisheries Officer said.

"We've established 312 projection hatcheries with area of 76.60 hectares for wide-ranging dissemination of modern fish farming technology through projection," he said.

About the fish habitat development, Shubhash said about 100 derelict water-bodies and wetlands measuring 39.025 hectares were excavated in the district during the last nine years, reports BSS.

"We've distributed eco-friendly net among 5,880 fishermen as their alternative employment support," he said.

Fish growers in Rajshahi attained success in fish production in the last couple of years after the Department of Fisheries took diversified efforts to boost fish production there.

After meeting up the growing local demand, the district is now supplying at least 100 trucks of fish to different districts, including Dhaka city, every day, officials said.

This year, fish production target for Rajshahi was set to 83,084 tonnes and the target is expected to be achieved.

In Rajshahi district, there are 41,876 ponds of 7294 hectares, 6108 commercial farms of 3462 hectares and 486 open water-bodies, including canal, beel, river and floodplain.

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