The Financial Express

Eel cultivation brings solvency to poor families in Joypurhat

| Updated: February 05, 2018 16:58:22

A demonstration project of eel farming in Butpara village under Khetlal upazila of Joypurhat.	— FE Photo A demonstration project of eel farming in Butpara village under Khetlal upazila of Joypurhat. — FE Photo

Hundreds of peasants from Hindu community are attaining financial solvency by cultivating eel (Kuchia) on commercial basis in Khetlal upazila of the district.

Sources said some local NGOs have been providing assistances to the eel cultivators over the last few years. It is now a profitable venture across the upazila.

The farm eel farm owners firstly dig a waterbody which is three feet in length and two metres in width. It is called 'Hapor'. A total of 23 eels could be released weight around 70 to 100 grams in each hapor. To keep them fresh, cultivators use hyacinth in the hapors.

Besides, cultivators use potassium in the waterbodies. It is helpful for a healthy growth for the eel, said Anjana Rany of Vutparar village.

In a recent visit this correspondent found that the Hindu community cultivate the eel round the year and make a handsome profit. Each kg of eel is being sold at Tk 400 to Tk 500 in the retail market.

Executive director of Ahead Social Organisation Matinur Rahman said, "We have provided all sorts of necessary input along with loan facilities to the eel cultivators."

 "I have started cultivating eel in my five hapor spending Tk 23,000 this year," said farmer Panchomi Rani of Butparar village. She said, "I am expecting to make over Tk 60,000 if the price remains stable in the next two months."

Upazila fisheries officer Rabeya Islam said, "Eel fish contains high protein. We have encouraged the people to extend the cultivation to boost output."

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