Bangladeshi tourists in India cross 1.6 million in 10 months

FE Online Report | Published: December 09, 2017 12:09:29 | Updated: December 10, 2017 11:32:17

Taj Mahal in the Indian city of Agra/Photo (collected)

Total number of Bangladeshi tourists visiting India crossed the 1.6-million mark in the first 10 months of the current calendar year.

Statistics available with the India tourism ministry showed that some 1.62 million Bangladeshi tourists visited the country during the January-October period of 2017.

Total number of Bangladeshi tourists visting India last year was 1.37 million.

Indian authority earlier projected that at least 1.7 million Bangladeshi tourists would visit India in the current year.

But the current trend indicates that the total number of Bangladesh tourists in India will be much higher than it was projected.

In the month of September, 0.21 million Bangladeshi tourists visited India, which is the highest in any single month so far.

The very flexible visa system along with relaxed entry and exit facilities drive more Bangladeshi people to visit India frequently.

Besides road and air, people can now visit by rail. Despite increase in rail fare, demand for Moitree express tickets is high now.

A large portion of Bangladeshi tourists actually visit India for medical treatment and their number is also growing.

Bangladeshi tourists have already outnumbered American and British tourists, who are now respectively the second and the third highest in India.

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