The Financial Express

Reasons to love Bangladesh- in an exchange student's eyes

The writer (fourth from right, front row) along with other students at a  programme of Daffodil International University Business and Education Club The writer (fourth from right, front row) along with other students at a programme of Daffodil International University Business and Education Club

‘Ami Bangladesh k valobashi’- yes, I love Bangladesh.

I am from Taiwan and I am a student of Department of Business Administration of Ling Tung University, Taiwan. I completed my 6th semester there and came to Daffodil International University (DIF) Bangladesh to complete my 7th semester as an exchange student.

While working for an international club in Taiwan, I came to know about the exchange programme of Daffodil International University and I had a gut feeling that this will bring about new learnings and experiences that I desire. Fortunately, my university awarded me a scholarship for the exchange programme admission. As I disclosed the news to my parents, they were adamant not to allow me as we had some observations about Bangladesh as well as due to the fact that I would be travelling alone. But somehow, I managed to convince them as one of my parent's old friends also lives here.

When I came here, I was just alone, I did not know anyone here and I had no SIM or Internet.  Upon landing in the airport, I used the Wi-Fi. Thankfully, Raihan Sir of International Affairs, DIU got in touch with me to take me to my campus. Next day after settling down at my dormitory, I met my department head Masum Iqbal sir who provided me all the information and course details. I took three subjects  similar to what are taught at my Lung Tung University. Raihan sir introduced me to Nahid Tabannun - to be my buddy during the exchange programme. With all the shared experiences we have, she has become my best friend. The first Bangla movie I saw is ‘Doob’. This movie is quite different and has an interesting storyline. I will definitely recommend this to my friends when I will go back to Taiwan.

Students of DIU welcomed me with warmth and extended every ounce of support to make me feel at home. I have joined DIU Business and Education Club and Social Business Students Forum. The club members are doing various skill developing activities that I can use anywhere in world such as developing presentation and public speaking skills to name a few. Recently they organised a picnic off to Dhaka city where I enjoyed the monsoon rain, the scenic beauties which is really different than Taiwan. Words cannot describe the unique beauty Bangladesh possesses in its nature.

My visit to Panam City was very enriching in experience. I have seen many old houses called Rajbari-- those were exquisite and memorable.

One thing that stands out in mind is the spicy food of Bangladesh. In Taiwan, we are not habituated by eating spicy food, as a result it gets tricky for me sometimes. I tasted QQ tea here which is very popular in Taiwan as well. However, the Bangladeshi version is completely different.

With experiences ranging from sightseeing to historical places, having non-stop spicy food, enjoying Bangla movies and working on my skill set with Bangladeshi students, I have done numerous activities to remember Bangladesh.

 I have plenty of reasons to love this country that showed me warmth and gave me friends for life.  Surprisingly, the country that made me scared after google searches popped up is my second home now.

Undoubtedly, this will not be my last visit as I am leaving my best friends and the most amazing people. Hopefully, the relationship between Taiwan and Bangladesh will be stronger in  future. I will also encourage my friends from Taiwan to come over here and enjoy the beauty of Bangladesh. In future, my second home, I do not know if I will meet or not but the memories and the best friends you gave me will stay for life.



The writer is an exchange  student of Department of Business Administration at Daffodil International University, Dhaka. She   can be reached at [email protected] 

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