The Financial Express

Disappointing SSC results - not end of the world

| Updated: January 09, 2022 18:14:12

Disappointing SSC results - not end of the world

Last year, Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exams began on November 13. Bangladesh went through unusual events during the Covid-19 times, and board exams were no different. Instead of a full-length syllabus, students sat for a short syllabus exam. Many students smiled at success while some could not.
Bangladeshi 10th graders, following the national curriculum, have to sit for the SSC exam to pursue further studies, or for career. The result of this examination is significant for higher secondary level studies. The exam is also a great way to build a strong base for the advanced topic covered in the eleventh and twelfth grades. However, board exam results cannot define success. They do help to achieve a specific dream. Still, it has to be noted, an exam's result does not define a student's life. Facebook feeds sometimes serve up major inspirational prompts. One Facebook pop-up included the story of a design verification engineer currently working at the surface laptop team of Microsoft. Fahima Mahzabeen Chowdhury, an NSU graduate, could not give her best during her board exams, but she could prove by her diligence that board exams do not define success.

Doing an undesirable result is relatively usual. Although the SSC examination is part of every Bangladeshi student's journey, not everyone goes through the same scenario. Maliat Hoque, an SSC examinee of 2022, thinks that results are a great way to kick off a journey of greater importance.
"I think, whatever the SSC result is, it is time to decide what one wants to study for the higher secondary," she said. SSC exam is an overriding factor, but it is not a life-changing exam whatsoever, so thinks Maliat. "My SSC exams turned out to be better than my JSC (Junior School Certificate) exams. After my JSC result was published, I was a bit underwhelmed. When I heard that the JSC result would contribute to the SSC result, I was a little taken aback. The result of my JSC examination pushed me to do better in the SSC exam. I can take this positive spirit to pursue my higher secondary studies," she added. The SSC exam paves the way for higher studies. Therefore, there is still more time to work hard -- so she thinks.
Unpleasant memories only make way for lessons. Mistakes help teach someone to identify their shortcomings, allow someone to work on them, and develop some beneficial self-help dexterity. The university stage is different from school life. Academic success does not prepare oneself for the competitive world of jobs. A successful career relies on practical skills, efforts, and long-term goals.
Salma Begum, a guardian whose daughter did not perform well in the SSC exams, expressed that there is always enough time to prove someone's worth by doing hard work. One could do well in other significant exams afterwards."It's important to remember that there is always a chance to prove worth if someone works hard. My daughter didn't do well in her SSC exam. At first, I was worried whether her SSC results would affect her way to higher studies. However, it is just a result. My daughter studies engineering now, and she is doing well," she said. Her daughter could draw CAD projects and architectural drawings in an excellent way. This skill is helping her with the degree of civil engineering, so thinks Salma.
Exams are over, and it is better not to dwell with the bygones. Since there is not much time left in their hands to do something productive, students who completed SSC exams should focus on self-enhancement activities like picking up a new skill. Focusing somewhere else and actively doing something would boost the brain and mind.
Sayeeda Hoque, a Summa Cum Laude from American International University Bangladesh, shared her viewpoints on substandard results in board exams in Bangladesh. "My SSC exam and HSC exam both went underwhelming. I was wondering whether I would be able to redeem myself back. I dreamt of studying at one of the government medical colleges in the country. However, I ended up studying English Language and Literature," she said. According to her, studying arts is not as much appreciated as engineering or medical studies in Bangladesh. "I had to switch from the faculty of sciences to the faculty of arts. I immediately did not figure out that I should study English Language and Literature," she added. Sayeeda did great in her academics, and she was encouraged by her departmental teachers to pursue higher studies from abroad since she did amazingly well in her academic assessments. "I think parents should shield their children during hard times, like, a bad result in a board exam," she said.
Life does not always offer up opportunities. A story is not always joyful. No matter what happens, diligence always pays off. It is never too late to work hard and chase dreams.

The writer studies Computer Science and Engineering at East West University, Dhaka.
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