The Financial Express

BUP student represents Bangladesh in an international scholarly platform

| Updated: December 01, 2022 00:46:38

Md Razoan Hossain (second from the left) Md Razoan Hossain (second from the left)

The Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) is a platform for scholarly exchange on economic and management issues. The 38th EAMSA Annual conference took place this year at Keio University, Mita Campus, Tokyo, Japan.

Md Razoan Hossain, a final year student of BBA at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), got an opportunity to present research paper in this conference. He shared his thoughts and experiences of the conference with this writer. 

"There were more than 100 participants from 50 countries around the world in the call for research papers. Usually, in research paper conferences like this, research works are submitted with a theme. This year's theme was - "Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Prospects and Implications for Euro-Asia business."

The moderators evaluate the papers, and if the research has an important contribution to the field of studies among all the submitted papers, the best few are called to present their papers at the annual conference. Based on the contributions and the quality of research work, the best paper awards are given by the organisation.

Razoan is presenting.

"I was informed by my Co-author Kazi Mehraj Hossain from the University of Hyogo, Japan, that there will be a conference regarding Business studies research contribution, and we decided to do our research on entrepreneurial activities aiming the undergrad students under the supervision of Prof. Saddam Khalid, University of Hyogo. Our Research paper topic was Spirituality and Emotional Intelligence: An Assessment of Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Creativity Among Higher Education Students in Bangladesh and Japan," said Razoan. 

He mentioned that all the scholars had done very well, and their contribution is undeniable. According to EAMSA policy, There are two categories of papers - Competitive - Interactive and PhD Track. There were 3 phases of the competition for the best paper award. 

  1. Call for paper
  2.  Presentation of the paper
  3.  Overall review based on research content and contribution.

"Our paper was selected for the Competitive and Interactive Paper category. We gave our presentation in front of the judges. After that, we got some remarks and were asked some questions by scholars from various countries about our field of study, the findings and contributions." 

"My co-author Kazi Meraj Hossain and I tried our level best. But unfortunately, we could not achieve the Best Paper Award," Razoan added. 

But he thinks the conference was more than just winning the award and the learning was more important. 

"I am very lucky to be selected among the PhD students and the professors despite being an undergrad student and felt proud as a first-ever undergrad student from Bangladesh to attend EAMSA Annual Conference," he further said. 

At the conference, they met with highly reputed professors from different countries around the world. They are also known for their remarkable works in the business studies research fields like Tomoki SEKIGUCHI, President of EAMSA, Kyoto University, Galina Shirokova, HSE University St. Petersburg and so on. He also met with some PhD students from different countries.

Benefits from this conference

"The experience and the directions to improve more in these kinds of research work will uplift my academic career. I can contribute to the global context through my research work," said Razoan. 

It increases the possibility of being published by Well reputed publications and journals which is also an achievement for any researcher. As a student, it also increases the possibility of being accepted by reputed universities for further post-graduation or PhD for him.

As a business apprentice, Md Razoan wants to put his footwork into improving this field. This conference motivated him to do more research on Bangladeshi entrepreneurs and the problems faced in our country. He will try to contribute to young Bangladeshi entrepreneurs and others through his future research works.

For the aspirants

"At this point, I want to express my disappointment first, because in our country, we, the students, are never encouraged to research, let alone in business studies. I want to convey a message to all the students regarding being interested in research works because if we, the young generation, do not come up with innovations, and solutions to the problems of our country, we will not be able to uphold the dignity of Bangladesh and make the nation a prosperous one in the world."

For the interested future participants in the EAMSA conference next year, it will be held in Stockholm, Sweden. The call for papers will be announced before July 2023.

"You can select your research topic under a professor as a supervisor from any university and submit it. There are more conferences like this - IGBR (Institute for Global Business Research, AOM (Academy Of Management), etc. where one can participate. It will certainly enhance the portfolio of any researcher," he concluded.

While most students are running behind CGPA, grades, etc., Razoan spent his time researching and took his country to the global stage. This should set an example for the youths and encourage them in researching to build a knowledge-based future of the nation.

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