Hillary Clinton slams Trump's fight with Kim

FE Team | Published: October 18, 2017 21:40:34 | Updated: October 25, 2017 05:31:32

Photo: Reuters

Former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday the war of words between Pyongyang and Washington have benefited North Korea, but not the United States.

“There is no need for us to be bellicose and aggressive (over North Korea),” Hillary said while addressing the World Knowledge Forum in the South Korean capital of Seoul, reports Reuters.

She stressed the need for more pressure on North Korea and diplomacy to bring Pyongyang to talks.

Hillary Clinton also called on China to take a “more out front role” in enforcing sanctions against North Korea aimed at curbing its missile and nuclear development.

“Picking fights with Kim Jong Un puts a smile on his face,” Clinton said, without mentioning Trump by name.

Tension between Pyongyang and Washington has soared following a series of weapons tests by North Korea and a string of increasingly bellicose exchanges between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

On Tuesday, Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan said the United States did not rule out the eventual possibility of direct talks with North Korea.

The situation on the Korean peninsula was now touch-and-go point “and a nuclear war may break out any moment”, North Korea’s Deputy UN Ambassador Kim In Ryong had told a UN General Assembly committee on Monday.

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