
Youtube emerges as new career platform  

| Updated: October 25, 2017 05:25:58

Youtube emerges as new career platform   

YOUTUBE, the world's largest video sharing platform, is no longer limited to entertainment. We still watch a lot of videos on Youtube for entertainment, but as the number of Youtube subscribers is increasing every day, the platform is becoming a potential source of business.

With growing popularity over the last few years Youtube is gradually emerging as an alternative media. Over 1.0 billion people from all over the world are now connected to Youtube. Besides entertainment, Youtube has become famous for product review, lifestyle suggestion, health and technology-related tips and many other purposes. The biggest advantage of Youtube is that it is an open platform that allows anyone to share videos. According to Businessinsider.com, FellixShellberg, one of the most popular Youtubers worldwide, earned 15 million dollars in 2016.

Youtube is a new business model. To go hand in hand with the technology-based world, we have to make our presence felt on Youtube more effectively. It will help Bangladesh brighten its image in the international arena and young generation utilize a new career platform showcasing their talents.

Sumaiya Bushra


[email protected]

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