Internet service in Bangladesh

FE Team | Published: June 02, 2016 20:44:40 | Updated: October 24, 2017 12:35:02

Internet service in Bangladesh

TODAY we cannot think of spending a day without internet. We have no other alternative to get connected with the outside world than internet and it is essential to have a standard internet service to digitise Bangladesh. Bangladesh has a large population, a huge portion of which is young who are the most potential users of internet. Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited (BTCL) is responsible for operation of internet service in Bangladesh.
The number of internet users is quite small in Bangladesh and most of them are urban people. It means that internet is not widely used in the country, the main reason being the poor infrastructure to provide the same. Insufficient broadband providers and limited facility to spread internet are impeding the progress of internet facility in the country. Wi-max internet service charges are very high and the area covered by it is also very limited (mostly in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet). Nowadays most people use internet by using their cell phones. They have to buy data pack to use internet which is quite expensive (1GB data costs Tk 300+) and the speed is also not satisfactory in most areas of the country. To make the dream of digital Bangladesh come true, the government should make broadband service available at reasonable price (even though the price has been reduced a lot lately), reduce the data pack price of mobile phone operators and frame rules and regulations to protect the interest of the customers.

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