

Biden and Trump trade blows

Biden and Trump trade blows

Who would dare openly declare of physically pounding the president of the most powerful country on earth to pulps! How many heads does he have on his broad shoulder (kar ghare koita matha)? The man who has made his intention clear of giving a good beating to President Trump is not a pushover either. He was not an American president but a president's deputy. Joe Biden, the vice-president under the first black president of the United States of America (USA), Barrack Obama, had the temerity to make such a public statement.

But why? Has politics really turned so low that a former vice-president of the USA has no qualms about dragging him down to this level of discourteousness? This is more than political vituperation. Not many will feel offensive, though, when they learn that Biden was responding to the incumbent president's bragging over his predatory sexual instinct in relation to women. Trump was on record saying, "I can grab a woman anywhere, and she likes it". With his credentials, Trump actually was habituated to doing it and several women including contestants at the Miss Universe beauty pageants have complained against him.

When asked if the former vice-president would debate the president over the issue, Biden replied in the negative but added, "If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him". Biden then boasted that he was "a pretty (darn) good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, the ugliest SOB in the room". Trump's disdainful remarks about women have been protested in many ways before but this is for the first time that someone has vented his anger so explosively.

A man of Trump's nature is unlikely to take this lying down and he immediately  twitted, " Crazy Joe is acting like he is a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn't know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don't threaten people Joe". How childish! As if two naughty boys are challenging each other to a bout. Much as Biden may have presidential ambition, he could avoid taking such a nasty fight to Trump. Neither of the two gave a good account of himself by making statements fit only for teenagers. But Biden has at least a point. Trump proved how dim witted he is.

 What Trump wanted to convey is that he is gifted with more physical prowess than his challenger". What a reply from the president of the only superpower! While he should have regretted the remark he made about women, he has taken the meaning of the former vice-president's loathing literally. This is indication enough that old habit dies hard with Trump. He has no intention of rectifying his views about women. He would look down upon women as objects he can use for his pleasure. It is possible for a man of his calibre to say that Had Ivanka, her daughter, not been his daughter he would have dated with her.

There was little scope for a war of words here. He should have apologised or simply kept his mouth shut. Instead he has shown what material he is made of. The man, however, has been silenced by the interview Stormy Daniels, a porno star with whom he had an affair, gave to Anderson Cooper of CBS News. Whether Trump will take her to court for breaching a contract is not known but at least he has refrained from tweeting.

Scandals like this have dragged the presidential office to a new low. No wonder, democracy the world over has become under threat courtesy of people in the topmost position known for their moral aberrations. The quality of democracy has been compromised as a result. One cannot expect something elevating from such people.

Postscript: Joe Biden has regretted that he made such a remark. Will Trump do the same?

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