The Financial Express

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Solving poverty by recognising others in poverty

Solving poverty by recognising others in poverty

Tahjib Shamsuddin 2017-10-24 09:34:53

We all know what poverty looks like. Born in a country that proudly claimed the lower middle income status three years ago, we might believe that we know poverty inside out. But it would not be wise t...

Collateral locking—the best antidote to mortgage fraud

Collateral locking—the best antidote to mortgage fraud

Nironjan Roy 2017-10-23 09:03:05

Incidents of fraudulent mortgages can hardly be prevented although there are many stages of collateral security including legal opinion, physical verification of property by bankers and registered mor...

Curbing high mortality rate of startups

Curbing high mortality rate of startups

M Rokonuzzaman 2017-10-23 08:51:55

Startup is our hope for creating a path-breaking opportunity of wealth creation. The success of Silicon Valley is a story of cumulative successes of innumerable startups. The early years of the 21st...

Collateral mortgage - a hazardous system

Collateral mortgage - a hazardous system

Nironjan Roy 2017-10-22 09:13:13

At the beginning of our banking career, I met one executive from Agrani Bank (apologize for not remembering his name) who came to take classes in our training session at BIBM (Bangladesh Institute of...

Mortgage of land and building does not guarantee recovery of loan

Mortgage of land and building does not guarantee recovery of loan

Nironjan Roy 2017-10-21 08:21:41

Media reports say that Bangladesh Bank (BB) is in the process of developing a database for collateral securities retained by banks against granting loans and advances. The purpose of developing such c...

Portraying Rohingyas as Jehadists

Portraying Rohingyas as Jehadists

Muhammad Mahmood 2017-10-21 08:00:01

Since the latest round of genocidal attacks on the Rohingyas began on August 25 resulting in half a million Rohingyas already crossing border over to Bangladesh, there has been a concerted effort by M...

Post offices in the brave new world

Post offices in the brave new world

Shihab Sarkar 2017-10-19 12:00:00

In a country where letters have virtually ceased to be in wide circulation, school students are ritually reminded of them. Like in the past, the secondary level students still have to write letters in...

Education science and educational practices

Education science and educational practices

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2017-10-19 09:11:28

Like in the other countries, 'Education Science' has become an independent discipline in the academic field of Bangladesh. Keen interest in this discipline is growing by the day among the academics, e...

Who will be the next Fed chief - why it matters

Who will be the next Fed chief - why it matters

Dan Steinbock 2017-10-18 12:00:00

Janet Yellen's term is ending at the Federal Reserve. With new appointments, President Trump can indirectly shape US monetary policy for years to come - for better or worse.  Serving as the "epi...

Growing outstanding debt may lower development finance

Growing outstanding debt may lower development finance

Sarwar Md. Saifullah Khaled 2017-10-17 12:20:16

An independent think tank Unnayan Onneshan (UO) depicted the country's economic scenario in its monthly publication, "Bangladesh Economic Update" September 2017. The UO has said that persistently incr...

Iran nuke deal: Trump defies US allies, stokes war fears

Iran nuke deal: Trump defies US allies, stokes war fears

Sayed Kamaluddin 2017-10-16 08:46:17

US President Donald Trump has ended all speculations and confusions that his cryptic comments have created at times about the 2015 landmark Iran nuclear agreement. In a sharp policy shift, he chose no...

Addressing financial exclusion, environmental degradation

Addressing financial exclusion, environmental degradation

Shah Md Ahsan Habib 2017-10-15 12:00:00

The benefits of sustainable action or approach go beyond growth, and for banks it should go beyond profitability. Alongside targeting profitability, sustainable financial goals of a bank aim at addres...

America's disastrous relationship with guns is getting worse

America's disastrous relationship with guns is getting worse

Muhammad Zamir 2017-10-15 07:57:00

The world continues to reflect with horror the after-effects of the carnage left behind by gunman Stephen Paddock in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the night of  October 01, 2017 as thousands were enjoyin...

German election, 2017: The surge of neo-Nazis

German election, 2017: The surge of neo-Nazis

Muhammad Mahmood 2017-10-14 12:00:00

Angela Merkel secured a fourth term as German Chancellor following the election held on September 24. The election dealt a severe blow to her party Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian al...

CIB reports help curb credit-related corruption

CIB reports help curb credit-related corruption

Mir Imdadul Haque 2017-10-13 12:00:00

Credit Information Bureau (CIB) report plays a crucial role in financial institutions. The CIB report is especially useful for the lending institutions to make decisions regarding individuals and smal...

Kazuo Ishiguro -- haunted by a dreadful twist of history

Kazuo Ishiguro -- haunted by a dreadful twist of history

Shihab Sarkar 2017-10-12 12:00:00

  The fame of an international literary celebrity has not been strange to Kazuo Ishiguro since 1989. In that year the Japanese-born British novelist was awarded the prestigious Man Booker Prize....

Opportunities at our private universities

Opportunities at our private universities

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2017-10-12 09:19:11

Within the education system of a country, higher education plays the crucial role as an incubator and bank of knowledge with untold potential. It also acts as an agent of social changes as well as a p...

Is Africa still rising?

Is Africa still rising?

Brahima S. Coulibaly 2017-10-10 12:00:00

Between 2000 and 2014, Africa grew at a strong clip, fuelling belief in the narrative of an "Africa rising." But, since 2015, growth across Sub-Saharan Africa has weakened, and the poor outlook for co...

Using technology for sustainable development

Using technology for sustainable development

M Rokonuzzaman 2017-10-10 08:40:45

Stephen Hawking has come up with a big question -- are we alone in this universe? No one knows how long it's going to take to get the answer if we follow our scientific methods of exploring the unknow...

The disunited states of American gun control

The disunited states of American gun control

Jeffrey D Sachs 2017-10-09 08:43:51

The Las Vegas massacre and its aftermath are pure Americana. A deranged person lugs nearly two dozen high-tech assault weapons to a 32nd-floor hotel room to spray death upon concertgoers in a mass mur...

Erratic behaviour of Saudi masters with migrants

Erratic behaviour of Saudi masters with migrants

Imtiaz A. Hussain 2017-10-09 08:42:45

It has become a regular newspaper item: another Bangladeshi woman (and just as often, women) being abused by a Saudi household patron, fleeing through a labyrinthine, unnecessarily expensive escape ro...

Exchange Traded Fund -- a new asset category for investors

Exchange Traded Fund -- a new asset category for investors

Shahriar Azad Shashi 2017-10-08 08:48:43

Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), first introduced in 1993, are offshoots of mutual funds that allow investors to trade in index portfolios just as shares of stock. ETF is a pooled investment vehicle with...

Why does India look askance?

Why does India look askance?

M. Serajul Islam 2017-10-08 08:38:03

Indian Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jetley was on a 3-day official trip to Bangladesh last week. It was the first bilateral visit of a senior Indian Minister to Dhaka in a long time. The delay did not de...

Theory and practice of development planning - a critical appraisal

Theory and practice of development planning - a critical appraisal

Helal Uddin Ahmed 2017-10-07 08:46:40

Planning, Development and Management are key concepts in the field of Development Administration. In a developing country like Bangladesh, development is the ultimate goal of administration, and plann...

World Investor Week 2017: Bangladesh perspective

World Investor Week 2017: Bangladesh perspective

Md Shafiqul Alam 2017-10-06 09:15:55

The capital market regulatory authority of the country, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) is observing the World Investor Week 2017 this year from 2-8 October. The theme of this...

State of English in post-Brexit European Union

State of English in post-Brexit European Union

Shihab Sarkar 2017-10-05 12:00:00

The process to retain a newer form of Euro-English as an 'official' language in the European Union (EU) institutions in the post-Brexit era carries potential for distress for the purists. They are amo...

Controversies over the pricing of electricity

Controversies over the pricing of electricity

Saleh Ahmed and Tasmiah Nuhiya Ahmed 2017-10-04 12:00:00

The issue that has been at the centre of discussions on electricity in recent weeks is the proposal of the Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) to increase its price. The proposal was place...

Harnessing solar energy to bring down electricity costs

Harnessing solar energy to bring down electricity costs

M S Siddiqui 2017-10-04 12:00:00

The sun is the world's largest source of energy. Each year the sun sends over 1.0 billion TWh of energy to the earth which is equal to 60,000 times the world's electricity needs. From a mathematical p...

Building a resilient system calls for a change of mindset

Building a resilient system calls for a change of mindset

Safwan Rob 2017-10-03 12:00:00

There is a term called "Natural Resource Curse". This is when a country, endowed with natural resources, specifically fossil fuel, becomes dependent on those resources without a fallback plan and then...

Per capita health expenses on the rise

Per capita health expenses on the rise

Saleh Akram 2017-09-29 09:26:30

The news that annual per capita medical expenses in Bangladesh are rising which is somewhat alarming given the fact that Bangladesh made significant strides in the health sector in terms of health inf...