The Financial Express

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Remembering Maulana Bhashani

Remembering Maulana Bhashani

Muhammad Quamrul Islam   2018-11-16 20:51:26

I gained admission into Dhaka University as a first-year honours student in the Economics Department in 1957. I was a resident of SM Hall. That was a period of political instability in East Bengal....

The non-stop march forward, and backwards

The non-stop march forward, and backwards

Shihab Sarkar 2018-11-15 21:23:04

The recent detection of snow-filled clouds in the sky of Mars and the discovery of prehistoric figurative cave paintings on the Indonesian island of Borneo points to two things: no age is static. To e...

American Academy of Pediatrics warn of corporal punishment dangers

American Academy of Pediatrics warn of corporal punishment dangers

Frank Peters 2018-11-14 21:34:27

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is calling for an immediate ban on corporal punishment worldwide in all settings including schools, homes and madrasahs. In a strong statement issued this wee...

Perception of declining American relevance

Perception of declining American relevance

Peter Apps 2018-11-14 12:56:05

For Donald Trump's first foreign trip since Americans voted in the midterm elections, the bleak weather in Paris appears to have matched the diplomatic mood. The US president seemed subdued during his...

Tide in favour of Democrats in USA

Tide in favour of Democrats in USA

Mohammad Amjad Hossain 2018-11-10 21:33:12

In an unprecedented development in the US mid-term elections, at least one hundred women joined the election race and won. For the first time, two Muslim women and two native Americans - apart from tw...

Employment at Competition Commission

Employment at Competition Commission

M S Siddiqui 2018-11-10 21:15:57

The idea of an independent commission is primarily based on various legal and political contexts to bring together individuals of diverse views, expertise, and backgrounds to tackle legally difficult,...

In midterms, a cautionary tale for Trump

In midterms, a cautionary tale for Trump

David A Andelman 2018-11-09 21:29:16

Donald Trump heads to Paris to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the truce that ended World War One, surrounded by more than 100 heads of state, all of whom have followed with intense interest the ou...

CPTPP: Japan’s long overdue shot at leadership

CPTPP: Japan’s long overdue shot at leadership

Nalifa Mehelin 2018-11-09 21:21:39

Amidst the success of the Paris Agreement in committing towards a sustainable environment and the breakthrough in handling the refugee crisis in Europe, the year 2015 gained momentum when 12 countries...

Five financial ratios every investor should know

Five financial ratios every investor should know

Harun Rashid 2018-11-09 20:48:45

Financial ratios are the key to understand how a company performs. We will discuss five valuable financial ratios that every investor must know. Many of us probably heard about some of them, but let's...

Fathoming the intricate aspects of creativity

Fathoming the intricate aspects of creativity

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2018-11-08 20:50:36

Creativity is one of the most important characteristics of humans. It is a dominant trait that makes us successful as individuals as well as groups. We constantly need new and better ideas for almost...

The caravan of migrants: Honduran déjà vu

The caravan of migrants: Honduran déjà vu

Shihab Sarkar 2018-11-08 20:41:10

The Honduran caravan, one of the longest migrant marches overland in recent times, plays out similar spectacles of the 20th and 21st centuries in mind. They include the marches that crossed thousands...

Japan makes steady progress in innovation

Japan makes steady progress in innovation

M Rokonuzzaman   2018-11-07 21:06:54

In the global innovation index 2018, Japan has been placed at the 13th position. Countries like Ireland, South Korea, Singapore and the United Kingdom are ahead of Japan. Does it mean that Japan has r...

Low-cost microfinance works wonders

Low-cost microfinance works wonders

Hosna Saba Tarin   2018-11-07 20:58:42

When it comes to "micro-financing" in Bangladesh, the first names that pop into our minds are "Grameen Bank" and "BRAC". During the "battle" between these two giants, another institution has found i...

5G — a dream mobile technology on the horizon

5G — a dream mobile technology on the horizon

Syed Amdadul Huq 2018-11-06 21:31:17

No sooner had the euphoria about 4G technology died down, a vastly improved 5G started to knock at our door. Mobile telecom operators say, 5G will revolutionise the way in which we use the internet an...

Hate crimes on the rise in USA

Hate crimes on the rise in USA

Mohammad Amjad Hossain 2018-11-06 21:26:35

Hate crimes, anti-Semitism and bigotry have increased manifold in the United States since Donald Trump assumed the country's presidency in January 2017. Many have reasoned that these are happening a...

US midterm elections shape up as a verdict on Trump's presidency

US midterm elections shape up as a verdict on Trump's presidency

Habib Siddiqui 2018-11-05 20:43:06

American voters go to the polling booths today (Tuesday) to cast their ballots in what is described here in the USA as the mid-term elections. Usually, the mid-term elections are boring events in whic...

Glimpses from medieval Japanese philosophy

Glimpses from medieval Japanese philosophy

Helal Uddin Ahmed and Mehrabul Ferdausi   2018-11-04 21:35:19

Japanese philosophers have wielded considerable influences on the society and culture of Japan as well as the Southeast Asian countries since the ancient era. This article presents a chronological rev...

Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 - making growth sustainable

Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 - making growth sustainable

Shamsul Alam 2018-11-03 21:42:45

Bangladesh crossed over from a low-income economy to a lower middle-income economy in 2015. The country has already fulfilled all the criteria of graduating from least developed country (LDC) to a dev...

A great man's thoughts on education and society

A great man's thoughts on education and society

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2018-11-01 22:04:43

From time to time, we get people who glorify societies through their knowledge, intellect, dedication and work. Khanbahadur Ahsanullah (1873-1965) was such a great person. He was a renowned educationi...

Tourism: Much hype, less professional approach

Tourism: Much hype, less professional approach

Shihab Sarkar 2018-11-01 21:28:08

Tourism days, weeks and, even, months are commonplace in the country these days. The government designated the whole year of 2016 to tourism. The objective was to showcase the potential for tourism in...

NPLs eating into the vitals of banking industry

NPLs eating into the vitals of banking industry

Mohammad Masoom 2018-10-30 21:28:18

Bangladesh's banking industry comprises 58 banks that include six state-owned commercial banks (SoCBs), three specialised banks (SBs), nine foreign commercial banks (FCBs) and 40 private commercial ba...

Globalisation revisited: Dangers of Trump's America First

Globalisation revisited: Dangers of Trump's America First

Hasnat Abdul Hye   2018-10-30 21:26:50

By now there is almost a surfeit of literature on the subject of globalisation. From erudite academics to well-known journalists, books on globalisation are pouring in the market endlessly. There have...

An ounce of democracy

An ounce of democracy

Abdoulaye Mar Dieye 2018-10-28 21:03:48

As the old adage goes: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Nowhere is this more appropriate than when it comes to conflict. Violent conflict causes not only human suffering and destruct...

RMG sector: Pro-active moves but problems persist

RMG sector: Pro-active moves but problems persist

Muhammad Zamir   2018-10-28 20:54:08

Controversy continues to stalk our ready-made garment (RMG) sector despite positive efforts undertaken by the relevant authorities in this regard. This issue has assumed importance because it is th...

Exploring data journalism in digital era

Exploring data journalism in digital era

Doulot Akter Mala 2018-10-26 21:04:57

Managing numerical data is one of the biggest challenges for journalists in the digital era. They get data from multiple sources and they have to filter, cross check authentication of those data befor...

Understanding pop music - magic of 21st century Bangla songs

Understanding pop music - magic of 21st century Bangla songs

Shihab Sarkar 2018-10-25 21:01:17

The sudden death of pop music icon Ayub Bachhu on last October 18 and the pervasive gloom it created among his fans was phenomenal. The nation witnessed a cross-country outburst of spontaneous grief,...

Chicken and egg both can now come together

Chicken and egg both can now come together

Kaushik Bhowmik   2018-10-23 21:42:26

No more the effect would follow the cause. What was stashed away in the nook and fold of quantum physics, finally seems to have found light of the millenia. Thanks to this discipline, a latest finding...

Evolution of band music in Bangladesh

Evolution of band music in Bangladesh

Syed Tashfin Chowdhury 2018-10-22 21:17:00

The death of musician Ayub Bachchu on October 18, 2018 came as a shock to many Bangladeshis at home and abroad. The untimely demise of the rock-star was being deemed as the 'end of an era' by most fan...

Brutalising lowers children's self-esteem

Brutalising lowers children's self-esteem

Frank Peters 2018-10-21 20:32:11

Three cheers for Nepal. Hip-hip, hooray! Hip-hip, hooray!! Hip-hip, hooray!!! Having a population size of 26 million, the South Asian country last month adopted an Act relating to protection of childr...

Islamic finance principles revisited

Islamic finance principles revisited

Md Akther Uddin 2018-10-20 22:00:03

The Economist published an article last week titled 'Not interest-free' which  posits that Islamic banks are drawing non-Muslims in increasing numbers not mainly because of ethical issues; rather...