The Financial Express

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Four youths improvise ventilator -- in the time of Covid-19 pandemic

Four youths improvise ventilator -- in the time of Covid-19 pandemic

Mohammad Saiful Islam 2020-04-05 21:05:40

Wise men say, "Necessity is the mother of invention." Add humanity and goodwill to that, it is bound to bring amazing result. The recent breakthrough in developing ventilator, a very important medical...

Osmotic Covid-19 impact in Europe and its neighbouring region

Osmotic Covid-19 impact in Europe and its neighbouring region

Muhammad Zamir 2020-04-05 20:57:30

The number of deaths around the world has been increasing at a very fast pace. It may be recalled that WHO (World Health Organisation) had mentioned a few days ago that it took nearly two and half mon...

3D printing and spare parts value chain

3D printing and spare parts value chain

M. Rokonuzzaman 2020-04-04 22:12:34

Think about an inkjet printer having six cartridges printing simultaneously. Instead of inks of different colours, these cartridges hold materials such as various metals, plastics, and ceramics in eac...

Mitigating Covid-19 impacts on food and agriculture

Mitigating Covid-19 impacts on food and agriculture

Ranjan Roy 2020-04-03 22:44:24

The coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to wreak havoc on many countries. National lockdown strategy, as a panacea, has been adopted by all countries. This strategy imposed a plethora of Covid-19 protect...

Will Nishinda provide a cure for Covid-19!

Will Nishinda provide a cure for Covid-19!

Sabeeh Sabrat Oyshi 2020-04-03 22:39:37

Nishinda plant or Vitex Negundo has been widely used in herbal medicine for around five to seven thousand years. Up until now, its beneficial effects have been recognised in possessing anti-inflammato...

Tackling climate change with Covid-19 urgency

Tackling climate change with Covid-19 urgency

Mary Robinson in Dublin and Daya Reddy in Cape Town 2020-04-03 20:57:16

"United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres's warning at last December's COP25 climate conference that "we are knowingly destroying the very support systems keeping us alive" might be th...

Remembering Justice Murshed

Remembering Justice Murshed

Halima Aktar 2020-04-01 21:23:12

Poet Alfred Tennyson composed his famous "In Memoriam" after the demise of his intimate friend Arthur Hallam. Syed Mahbub Murshed's achievements warrant a comparable "In Memoriam", but we are without...

Corona to climate change management

Corona to climate change management

Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad 2020-03-31 22:34:23

Some people are saying, and I agree, that Covid-19 may have shown a silver lining amidst large-scale deaths and health and economic damages and costs, that it is possible to bring back the integrity o...

When the Fed Chair talks everyone listens

When the Fed Chair talks everyone listens

Abdullah A. Dewan from Michigan, USA 2020-03-30 21:29:40

If you watch the dynamics of a near perfectly competitive free market (stock market), a monopolistically competitive market (oil market) or a government regulated bond market and you have some semblan...

East Asian lessons for controlling COVID-19

East Asian lessons for controlling COVID-19

Nazihah Muhamad Noor and Jomo Kwame Sundaram 2020-03-28 21:02:15

By the third week of March 2020, the number of COVID-19 deaths in Italy had overtaken the number of deaths in China. Authorities all over the world are restricting the movements of their populations a...

Price war of oil poised to escalate

Price war of oil poised to escalate

Mushfiqur Rahman 2020-03-27 21:41:47

It has been discussed for several weeks in the media that the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) have been 'fighting' over crude oil market share. Some analysts have been preferr...

COVID-19 panic, social distancing and interventions

COVID-19 panic, social distancing and interventions

Mohammad Zaman 2020-03-23 20:41:25

The coronavirus pandemic is now a major threat to global health and wellbeing. As of March 23, about 339,337 people have been infected and at least 14,703 people have died worldwide. Outside China and...

COVID19 crisis demands a comprehensive global approach

COVID19 crisis demands a comprehensive global approach

Paola Subacchi in London 2020-03-22 21:01:59

Saudi Arabia, this year's chair of the Group of Twenty (G20), will convene a virtual summit this week to discuss a global response to the COVID-19 crisis. The emergency meeting could not come too soon...

Noi-choi in banking

Noi-choi in banking

M. A. Taslim 2020-03-21 21:42:44

A process that began many months ago with a promise of the commercial banks to reduce their lending rates to single digits appears to be finally moving to a forced culmination. The commercial banks wi...

Economic fallouts of coronavirus and global supply chain   

Economic fallouts of coronavirus and global supply chain  

Abdullah A Dewan     2020-03-21 20:52:41

It is now widely known that COVID-19 has created a disease pandemic, a fear contagion, decimating the stock market everywhere, creating -- what some people started calling -- "an economic pandemic". T...

Sanders' crusade seems losing steam

Sanders' crusade seems losing steam

Abdur Rahman Chowdhury from Virginia, USA 2020-03-20 20:42:22

"There should be no billionaires. We cannot afford a billionaire class whose greed and corruption has been at war with the working-class families of this country for the past 45 years." - declared Sen...

COVID-19: Trends in global responses and practices

COVID-19: Trends in global responses and practices

Mohammad Zaman from Vancouver, Canada 2020-03-18 20:43:38

We are living in a world of uncertainties dictated by the "elusive" Covid-19 pandemic.  Since the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan in December 2019, the Covid-19 continues to spread around the worl...

Bangabandhu -- his struggle for emancipation of the peasantry

Bangabandhu -- his struggle for emancipation of the peasantry

Shamsul Alam 2020-03-18 20:27:22

This article, devoted to Bangabandhu on the occasion of his birth centennial (Mujib Borsho), highlights an aspect of his life struggle towards emancipation of the peasants and peasantry who formed the...

Stock market in turmoil

Stock market in turmoil

Nironjan Roy 2020-03-17 21:13:12

Rapid spread of corona virus across the world is the most worrying issue in the world and the World Health Organisation  (WHO)  has already declared this outbreak as pandemic. This virus, te...

COVID-19: Food safety challenges

COVID-19: Food safety challenges

Syed Moazzem Hossain   2020-03-17 20:26:36

In January 2020 the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the outbreak of a new coronavirus disease in Hubei Province, China a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. WHO stated there is...

COVID- 19: How to keep the pace of economic growth

COVID- 19: How to keep the pace of economic growth

Ranjan Roy 2020-03-17 20:22:02

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis continues to unfold across the globe as the World Health Organisation (WHO) declares COVID-19 disease to be a pandemic. The latest economic cost and consequence of...

Converting crisis into opportunities

Converting crisis into opportunities

Sajjad Zohir 2020-03-16 22:07:01

I recall reading the Patterns of Evolution by Niles Eldredge. One of its central propositions suggests improvements to the Darwinian evolution theory, which appears akin to a crisis theory. Citing exa...

Job creation scenario in the banking sector   

Job creation scenario in the banking sector  

Haradhan Sarker   2020-03-16 21:51:30

The government and the community expect that business organizations, in particular, should create as many jobs as possible for the working-age population with a view to utilising human resources of...

Technology transfer - lesson from Sony's success

Technology transfer - lesson from Sony's success

M. Rokonuzzaman 2020-03-16 21:47:31

Sony is not as well-known as Apple to the youths of the 21st century, but Sony used to be recognised as innovation wonder for the most part of the 2nd half of the 20th century. In war-devastated Japan...

Default loans: Cancer of the banking system   

Default loans: Cancer of the banking system  

Mosharaf Hossain 2020-03-15 22:05:44

The country's banking sector is currently undergoing a number of challenges such as lowering lending rate to a single digit, bringing down advance-deposit ratio, tackling corruption, ensuring good g...

   Growing signs of stress in the global financial system

  Growing signs of stress in the global financial system

Muhammad Mahmood   2020-03-14 21:23:55

There are growing concerns that global financial system is increasingly becoming stressed with coronavirus spreading  around the world causing gloomier growth prospects for the global economy...

Donald Trump's global recession

Donald Trump's global recession

Anders Åslund in Washington, DC   2020-03-14 21:21:14

On Monday, February 24, with stock markets close to all-time highs, the world was suddenly thrown into a financial crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. And ever since, international leaders...

US and France significantly increase arms exports

US and France significantly increase arms exports

Ida Karlsson 2020-03-13 21:34:15

There has been a significant increase in arms exports from the United States and France, according to a new report. The flow of arms to the Middle East has increased, with Saudi Arabia being the world...

Of biopic, Sheikh Mujib and Shyam Benegal

Of biopic, Sheikh Mujib and Shyam Benegal

Shihab Sarkar 2020-03-12 21:24:39

A biopic is conventionally defined as a movie dealing with a legendary person's life. It could be a certain period taken from one's life, or one's long saga from boyhood to death. The films could emph...

Making marketing interesting

Making marketing interesting

Asjadul Kibria 2020-03-12 20:45:55

Marketing is a tricky as well as puzzling subject to study.   It refers to all activities a firm or company does to promote and sell products or services to consumers. Four Ps (product, pric...