The Financial Express

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RMG is rebounding after a setback

RMG is rebounding after a setback

Tapash Chandra Paul   2021-01-18 20:40:18

The economic growth of Bangladesh, to a certain extent, depends on the export of apparels which account for approximately 80.0 per cent of the country's total annual export earnings. It also constitut...

The evolving trend of public health careers in pandemic

The evolving trend of public health careers in pandemic

RAHNUMA BINTE RASHED 2021-01-18 17:12:23

Since childhood, biology was the subject to have engaged Ramisa the most, and she dreamt of pursuing a career in it. However, when faced with the post-HSC dilemma between microbiology and BBA at IBA,...

Socio-economic fallout of pandemic and disinformation regarding migrants

Socio-economic fallout of pandemic and disinformation regarding migrants

Muhammad Zamir 2021-01-17 20:42:36

Millions of young people -- both men and women -- from different low income countries in Asia and Africa have over the past decade taken the courageous step of leaving their homes and seeking employme...

Legally speaking, is digital money really money?

Legally speaking, is digital money really money?

Catalina Margulis and Arthur Rossi   2021-01-16 21:18:56

Countries are moving fast toward creating digital currencies. Or, so we hear from various surveys showing an increasing number of central banks making substantial progress towards having an official...

US Capitol siege: The face of crises ahead

US Capitol siege: The face of crises ahead

Muhammad Mahmood 2021-01-16 21:13:34

A violent mob loyal to President Donald Trump wielding "Jesus Saves", anti-communist banners, confederate and US flags stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday,  January 6 and forced lawmakers into hi...

Being competitive in global halal food market

Being competitive in global halal food market

Shams Rahman and Aswini Yadlapalli 2021-01-16 21:03:11

Halal is an Arabic phrase for something that is permitted according to Islamic law. Muslims across the world need to have the assurance that they are consuming products and services with halal certifi...

Conundrum most Bangladeshi working mothers face

Conundrum most Bangladeshi working mothers face

FAHMINA AHMED 2021-01-15 11:48:59

At a time when the women in countries like Bangladesh are proving their worth joining almost every field in society, it seems, professional atmosphere suits only the ones who have no children. That&rs...

e-GP -- a big leap towards digitisation

e-GP -- a big leap towards digitisation

Shafiul Alam   2021-01-14 20:34:52

The electronic government procurement (e-GP) - a digital platform for public procurement -- has remained operational during the COVID pandemic. The Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the I...

Black money and vibrancy in economy

Black money and vibrancy in economy

Asjadul Kibria 2021-01-14 20:15:51

Finance minister AHM Mustafa Kalam believes that black money can create vibrancy in the economy if it is given the scope to whiten. His belief is reflected in his recent reaction on the latest statist...

Blockchain use in pharma supply chains

Blockchain use in pharma supply chains

-- 2021-01-13 20:32:22

Governments across the world are preparing to roll out Covid-19 vaccines to stop the spread of the virus and end the once-in-a-century pandemic. As a result, like never before a single drug has gained...

What Assange's victory really means

What Assange's victory really means

Patrick Cockburn 2021-01-13 20:30:40

The 10-year campaign by the US government to criminalise reporting critical of its actions has failed in rather peculiar circumstances, with the unexpected decision by the court in London to reject th...

Future of socialism

Future of socialism

Hasnat Abdul Hye   2021-01-13 20:29:24

In 2017, the weekly Economist declared in the cover story, 'Socialism is back in fashion'. Despite proclamations of the end of history, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1992, the wee...

How Covid-19 changes Dhaka’s wedding culture

How Covid-19 changes Dhaka’s wedding culture

MD ZUBAYER WASIT 2021-01-13 09:42:59

Shahriar (single name used) tied the knot with Maleeha, a corporate affairs officer of a multinational company, at a convention centre in Dhaka in the first week of December last year. The event was o...

Will the new fiscal crises improve international tax cooperation?

Will the new fiscal crises improve international tax cooperation?

Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram 2021-01-12 21:28:09

Covid-19 recessions have hit most countries, requiring massive fiscal responses. While most developing countries struggled with mounting debt even before the pandemic, many developed countries also fa...

How queen became the most powerful piece in chess

How queen became the most powerful piece in chess

Sheikh Tausif Ahmed 2021-01-12 12:33:54

Chess has a glorious history. The particular part of the game’s history that we are interested is the development of the queen piece. It’s an incredible story of powerful women impacting a...

Input tax credit under value-added tax system: Few unexplained issues

Input tax credit under value-added tax system: Few unexplained issues

Mohammad Abu Yusuf   2021-01-11 20:36:23

Value-added Tax (VAT) is the most widely used indirect tax system in the world. Under the system, input tax credit is admissible against output tax. This input credit system makes VAT system widely...

Hyperloop: Can we adopt it in Bangladesh?

Hyperloop: Can we adopt it in Bangladesh?

WASIK BILLAH IBN RASHID 2021-01-11 12:16:04

Hyperloop is a proposed mode of transportation that uses some special properties of vacuum for a very fast mass transit. American entrepreneur Elon Musk first propounded this concept and claimed it to...

The burden of sedentary jobs and life

The burden of sedentary jobs and life

Hasnat M Alamgir   2021-01-07 22:04:05

Sedentary behaviours include sitting time at work, at home, while commuting and during leisure time. During the last few decades, the rapid uptake of technology, high reliance on electronic communic...

Centennial thoughts on Dhaka University

Centennial thoughts on Dhaka University

Shihab Sarkar 2021-01-07 20:42:35

The date of 1 July should be regarded as a great day this year, i.e. 2021. It was on this very day, the University of Dhaka formally opened classes to its first batch of students 100 years ago. The te...

PTA with Bhutan: A symbolic move and beyond

PTA with Bhutan: A symbolic move and beyond

Asjadul Kibria   2021-01-06 20:47:51

Bangladesh has finally joined the wagon of bilateral free trade deal by singing the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with Bhutan.  Two countries formally signed the deal on December 06 last y...

Where lies the dignity of a loan defaulter?

Where lies the dignity of a loan defaulter?

Md Kazi Mamun   2021-01-05 19:49:14

I remember a borrower who was chanting 'Allah' repeatedly while signing a loan contract. Borrowing is considered a shameful act in his community. Yet he availed the loan to meet the dire need of his b...

A tribute to Samson H Chowdhury

A tribute to Samson H Chowdhury

MUHAMMAD ABDUL MAZID 2021-01-05 13:56:46

Samson H Chowdhury (1926-2012), who himself became an institution, was a legendary entrepreneur in Bangladesh. He was more of an entrepreneur than a capitalist, as he shared the slice of the cake with...

The Washington Post, two Presidents and bold journalism

The Washington Post, two Presidents and bold journalism

Syed Badrul Ahsan 2021-01-04 21:49:07

The Washington Post has done it again. It has exposed the immorality, indeed the corrupt nature of yet another President of the United States (US). By releasing the audio tape of an hour-long harangui...

Debunking some myths of old golden days in Bengal

Debunking some myths of old golden days in Bengal

MIR MD. TASNIM ALAM 2021-01-04 14:13:20

For one reason or another, people often boast of the Bengal past. For example, they refer to the ‘golden time’ of Bengal when it was governed by Shaista Khan, and so on. It is not that the...

Balancing up formats of cricket

Balancing up formats of cricket

AHMED TANVIR 2021-01-04 13:39:08

The inauguration of T20 in the global arena, experimentation of T10, six a side, and ‘The Hundred’ – all these innovations within cricket in modern times are meant for shortening the...

Post-Brexit: What next for the UK and the EU ?

Post-Brexit: What next for the UK and the EU ?

Muhammad Zamir 2021-01-03 21:10:09

The tempestuous talks have, despite the background noise, been able to end in a legal understanding and a document of more than a thousand pages that will greatly affect future UK-EU relations coverin...

The untold story of American aid to Israel

The untold story of American aid to Israel

Ramzy Baroud   2021-01-03 21:00:23

On December 21, the United States Congress passed the Covid-19 Relief Package, as part of a larger $2.3 trillion bill meant to cover spending for the rest of the fiscal year. As usual, US representa...

Automating bank's vault system and preventing fraud

Automating bank's vault system and preventing fraud

Nironjan Roy   2021-01-02 21:16:25

One branch manager of a bank who used to be a junior colleague of mine was suddenly withdrawn from duty on allegation of missing cash from the vault which was detected by the auditors. It was learnt...

Brexit Deal: Now the way forward

Brexit Deal: Now the way forward

Muhammad Mahmood   2021-01-02 21:04:03

It was rather a very quick dash just before the end of the transition period for the United Kingdom (UK) to leave the European Union (EU). Both parties finally have reached an agreement after almost...

The jobs of tomorrow

The jobs of tomorrow

SAADIA ZAHIDI 2021-01-02 14:40:35

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2020 comes at a crucial juncture for the world of work. The report, now in its third edition, maps the jobs and skills of the future, tracking th...