The Financial Express

Search results for: IS

The debt challenge to African growth

The debt challenge to African growth

Abebe Aemro Selassie 2018-05-26 20:47:05

Sub-Saharan Africa is confronting a pronounced rise in public debt. At the end of 2017, average public debt in the region was 57 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP), an increase of 20 percent...

The singing birds exploring Nazrul's treasure trove

The singing birds exploring Nazrul's treasure trove

Asjadul Kibria 2018-05-26 00:38:56

During the '70s, '80s and even '90s, a bunch of singers enthralled the Nazrul Sangeet connoisseurs and lovers. Those were the days when most of the people, especially middle-class educated ones, found...

A royal wedding and mellowed  British monarchy

A royal wedding and mellowed British monarchy

Abdul Hannan 2018-05-26 00:38:03

What was remarkable and of profound significance behind the pomp and pageantry of the attending Royal family celebrities and glitteretti at the Royal wedding of Meghan Markle with Prince Harry was the...

An economic vendetta gone haywire

An economic vendetta gone haywire

Prottoya Chowdhury 2018-05-26 00:36:27

The general sitting at the helm of the arsenal of the western world's mighty military force adorns himself with his opulent costume and multiple golden laurels earned from countless eons of unpreceden...

Curing the ills of private universities

Curing the ills of private universities

Md. Atikur Rahman 2018-05-26 00:35:39

    he number of students in Bangladesh is increasing day by day. There is no alternative to private universities to bring these additional students to the higher education level. In view...

Jobless growth, really?

Jobless growth, really?

Kazi Iqbal and Md Nahid Ferdous Pabon 2018-05-23 21:01:57

The growth narrative of a developing country takes a long time to assume a mature shape and this is more true for a country like Bangladesh, which is in transition and the sources of growth are multip...

Living wage in RMG sector: Some conceptual issues

Living wage in RMG sector: Some conceptual issues

Selim Raihan, Marjuk Ahmad and Farazi Binti Ferdous 2018-05-19 21:26:50

The ready-made garment (RMG) industry has been Bangladesh's key export industry and one of the main job-creating sectors for the last three decades. Minimum wage for RMG workers is Tk 5,300, which was...

Is this going to be the wettest ever Baishakh?

Is this going to be the wettest ever Baishakh?

Nilratan Halder 2018-05-18 21:10:44

Had there been a wetter Baishakh than the one just gone by? Kalbaishakhi (tropical storm in this part of the world), the name of which is derived from the month, has been synonymous with this inaugura...

The mastery of weed  management

The mastery of weed management

Prof. Sarwar Md. Saifullah Khaled 2018-05-18 21:04:15

Weeds in crop fields are a real hazard that reduces the yield. In a field, weeds compete with the crops for light, nutrients and water causing the loss of yield up to 80-90 per cent in worst cases. Ex...

Ways of healthy eating during Ramadan

Ways of healthy eating during Ramadan

Fahmida Hashem 2018-05-18 21:02:23

Islam encourages Muslims to make sure they are mindful of their health. Ramadan, the month of fasting for Muslims, creates a great opportunity for focusing on a balanced and healthy lifestyle. This mo...

The world soccer's legend scorers

The world soccer's legend scorers

Iftu Ahmed 2018-05-18 21:01:13

Miroslav Klose, the German striker, is the highest scorer in the history of FIFA World Cup with 16 goals.  He made his brilliant performances on his debut in the 2002 FIFA World Cup with five goa...

Extraordinary power of the living world

Extraordinary power of the living world

Nilratan Halder 2018-05-11 21:34:34

Why do birds migrate to warmer countries in the winter? The common answer would be to protect themselves from severe cold. Until now that was the standard knowledge man had had of the feathery friends...

Lightnings: The bombardment from heavens

Lightnings: The bombardment from heavens

Syed Tashfin Chowdhury 2018-05-11 21:33:37

It is inadvisable to go outdoors during a storm in recent times due to the increased number of lightning strikes, especially in rural areas. The rising death toll from thunderbolts led our government...

A trek to Tagore’s days and the spiritual home

A trek to Tagore’s days and the spiritual home

Pamelia Khaled 2018-05-11 21:30:15

"Taal gach ek paye dariye / On one leg stands the palm tree. Sob gach chariye / overshooting all trees. Uki mare aakashe /peeping over the sky."    "Amader choto nodi chole bake bake Bo...

Of nutritional management for Thalassemia patients

Of nutritional management for Thalassemia patients

Fahmida Hashem 2018-05-11 21:27:46

Thalassemia is a type of blood disorder with an autosomal recessive blood problem people suffer from one generation to the other. It causes negative effects of Hemoglobin Formation on the body causing...

Rising military conflicts imperil 'sustainable peace'

Rising military conflicts imperil 'sustainable peace'

Thalif Deen 2018-05-10 21:24:20

The underlying message at the fifth annual Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development was summed up in its telling title "The politics of peace." But the task ahead was overwhelmingly difficult: How do...

Tropical cyclones in Bangladesh in changing climate

Tropical cyclones in Bangladesh in changing climate

Md. Rashed Chowdhury   2018-05-09 21:24:34

Major cyclones have drastically increased in Bangladesh in recent decades. During the period 1978-2016, a total of 131 tropical cyclones (TCs) formed in the Bay of Bengal, showing annual mean occurren...

Addressing inequality in the era of Sustainable Development Agenda

Addressing inequality in the era of Sustainable Development Agenda

Shamsul Alam 2018-05-05 20:28:58

Rising income inequality has been the subject of considerable debate in recent times. An Oxfam report presents that top 1 per cent of population possesses more wealth than the rest of the world. Resea...

Lightning shaft that descends from above to kill

Lightning shaft that descends from above to kill

Nilratan Halder 2018-05-04 21:07:27

Lightning or thunderbolt has become the latest agent of death for people in this country. It is such a fearsome arsenal sent from the sky above, against which unsuspecting human beings in the open hav...

Doing it with Beautiful Mind

Doing it with Beautiful Mind

-- 2018-05-04 21:06:17

The Beautiful Mind, a special centre for autistic and mentally-challenged children, celebrated both Bangla New Year 1425 and World Autism Awareness Day befittingly. The celebration was enjoyable, educ...

The world deaf history as it takes shape

The world deaf history as it takes shape

Iftu Ahmed 2018-05-04 21:04:38

In the modern era, there are many deaf heroes around the globe. Charles Jules Henry Nicole (1866-1936), Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (1857-1952) and Sir John Warcup Cornforth (1917-2013) are some of...

Linking climate change to human rights

Linking climate change to human rights

Tohinur Islam 2018-05-04 21:03:46

Chief Seattle said, "All things share the same breath- the beast, the tree, the man. The air shares its spirit with all the life it supports." More than one hundred years ago, Chief Seattle tried to u...

Investments in the era of SDGs and LDC transition

Investments in the era of SDGs and LDC transition

Shamsul Alam 2018-04-28 21:27:43

The private sector has been historically playing an important role in economic development of Bangladesh. Almost all the past medium-term development plans have relied on private financing for their i...

How a small gadget has  transformed the world

How a small gadget has transformed the world

Nilratan Halder 2018-04-27 22:15:36

If a person went into coma, say, 25 years ago or in the early 90's and regained his consciousness now, would s/he been able to recognise the world as it is now. S/he would not for one simple reason: t...

Rohingya girding up for monsoon

Rohingya girding up for monsoon

Inter-Press Service (IPS) 2018-04-27 22:14:53

Over 40,000 Rohingya families in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar refugee camps have now been trained in shelter upgrade techniques ahead of the fast approaching monsoon and cyclone season. Women are playing...

Reviving jute’s lost lustre: A Swedish gesture

Reviving jute’s lost lustre: A Swedish gesture

Md. Abdullah Al Hasan 2018-04-27 22:13:23

Health-conscious people across the world are avoiding the use of harmful polythene and other synthetic materials in their daily lives. This change is creating a good demand for jute and jute goods. To...

Cracking the obesity pandemic

Cracking the obesity pandemic

Ying-yi Hong 2018-04-27 22:12:14

Obesity has become an increasingly serious problem around the world and it is regarded as one of the major risks to human health. Many factors such as more wealth and food accessibility may explain it...

LDC graduation: A new era for Bangladesh

LDC graduation: A new era for Bangladesh

Rafiqul Islam and ASM Ahsan Habib 2018-04-24 20:46:35

The UN Committee for Development Policy (CDP) visited Dhaka from 9 to 12 October, 2017 to discuss the country's prospect of graduation from the least developed country (LDC) category. The member of th...

Moments stilled  in eternity

Moments stilled in eternity

Nilratan Halder 2018-04-20 20:52:13

A young mother holding her child's hand turns round the corner of the lane. The child, four or five years old, clearly does not like to surrender his brief life of freedom outside and get confined so...

An apology to Beauty

An apology to Beauty

Syed Tashfin Chowdhury 2018-04-20 20:51:27

Beauty Akhter was murdered in presence of her father. As shocking as that may sound, it was confessed by Beauty's father, Sayed Ali, before a judicial magistrate's court in Habiganj on April 06. Earl...