The Financial Express

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Numismatics: More than a hobby

Numismatics: More than a hobby

Sajibur Rahman 2020-02-07 20:43:54

Drug addiction, terrorism, militancy, mental depression and other immoral activities, especially committed by children and youths, are the burning problems facing the world now. In addition, lonelines...

Trumponomics and Dem  presidential hopefuls

Trumponomics and Dem presidential hopefuls

Prottoya Chowdhury 2020-02-07 20:42:45

Currently markets along with other equity markets throughout much of the developed world have spent the past eight quarters absorbing the blows of political attacks, scandals and trade barriers and ri...

Streamlining Social Safety Net Programmes

Streamlining Social Safety Net Programmes

Zabid Iqbal 2020-02-04 21:16:59

Of the various disaster risk mitigation Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs) run by the Government of Bangladesh, this article discusses three major ones. These are Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF), Gra...

Beyond digitised development

Beyond digitised development

Nilratan Halder 2020-01-31 20:36:10

At a time when digitisation has become a buzz word even in countries not known for much scientific and technological advancement, there is hardly any quest for the missing link. The missing link here...

Effective partnerships for BD's rapid progress

Effective partnerships for BD's rapid progress

Helal Uddin Ahmed 2020-01-31 20:32:31

The Eleventh Jatiya Sangsad election held in Bangladesh on December 30 2018 has been a significant milestone for sustaining parliamentary democracy and socio-economic progress in the country. Democrac...

Burning questions raised

Burning questions raised

Prof. Quazi Faruque Ahmed 2020-01-31 20:30:12

The world celebrated the International Day of Education on 24 January, a day proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to honour education and its centrality to human well-being and sustainabl...

New opportunities in on-exchange trading of government securities

New opportunities in on-exchange trading of government securities

M Imam Hossain 2020-01-27 20:47:31

Government Securities (G-Secs) are securities issued by the government to borrow from financial market to meet its fiscal deficit. They are considered safe investments, as investors are guaranteed ret...

Are man and animals on a collision course?

Are man and animals on a collision course?

Nilratan Halder 2020-01-24 21:10:45

A group of hanumans (long tailed langurs) -- sounds like humans and certainly humanoid in traits -- arrives at a police station in Jessore. A baby monkey was hurt as local people attacked it when the...

Putting focus on Sunamganj Haor basin

Putting focus on Sunamganj Haor basin

Mohammad Abdul Ahad 2020-01-24 21:09:55

Sunamganj, a district located in far north-eastern region of the country, is a culmination of vast geographic diversity. The district sits along the base of Meghalaya hills and itself embodies some of...

Uncommon errors in 'common abbreviations'

Uncommon errors in 'common abbreviations'

Raihan M Chowdhury 2020-01-24 21:08:24

If you ask a credulous student about the elaboration of ICC, he or she would definitely reply it stands for International Cricket Conference (instead of Council), similarly International Development A...

Market signals for higher interest rates!

Market signals for higher interest rates!

Asjadul Kibria 2020-01-23 20:34:59

The government's move to keep both the interest rates on lending and deposit in banks at single digit level appears misleading. For more than a year, country's policymakers have been pressing to fix i...

How much international is DITF?

How much international is DITF?

Nilratan Halder 2020-01-17 20:51:42

Winter has many a treat for the Dhakaites. One of them is the Dhaka International Trade Fair (DITF) where a pleasure outing gets happily blended with commercial interests. People -- mostly families --...

'Medical tourism': Improving healthcare domestically

'Medical tourism': Improving healthcare domestically

Raqibul M Anwar 2020-01-17 20:50:20

An article in a leading Bengali daily titled "The lion's share of the money for healthcare overseas is going illegally" should be regarded as ominous. The article ends with the conclusion drawn by a...

Gravity of rural-urban migration  and its impact on Bangladesh

Gravity of rural-urban migration and its impact on Bangladesh

Mir Ashrafun Nahar 2020-01-17 20:48:01

In developing countries, rural-urban migration (RUM) is considered as the main driving force of rapid growth. There are some reasons behind this phenomenon which may vary from country to country. At t...

Bringing disabled into mainstream of life

Bringing disabled into mainstream of life

Md Shahidur Rahman 2020-01-17 20:46:31

THE FUTURE IS ACCESSIBLE means that we must all, together, look towards a future where the barriers which stand in people's way no longer exist.  We envisage a future where people can access a bu...

Myth of low-cost government borrowing from banks

Myth of low-cost government borrowing from banks

Mohammad Tareq 2020-01-17 20:27:46

The revenue of a government comes from tax and non-tax sources.  The government also has to borrow due to deficit budget that is commonly seen in most developing countries to meet the development...

Making protest against sexual violence count

Making protest against sexual violence count

Nilratan Halder 2020-01-10 20:54:59

Protests were massive and loud on Dhaka university campus. Yet it must be admitted that the national revulsion and outrage at sexual violence perpetrated on a DU student fell far short of the desirabl...

Dilemma of self-sufficiency or trade openness

Dilemma of self-sufficiency or trade openness

Luke Emeka Okafor and Muhammad Shafiullah 2020-01-10 20:53:51

Following India's ban on onion export aimed at controlling its own domestic market, the onion prices rose dramatically in Bangladesh in late 2019. A number of factors have contributed to a sharp incre...

Energy Trilemma: The options for Bangladesh

Energy Trilemma: The options for Bangladesh

Muhammad Hasanujzaman 2020-01-10 20:52:38

Bangladesh is ranked 114th out of 128 countries in the 2019 World Energy Trilemma Index by the World Energy Council. Conceptually, 'energy trilemma' involves the complex tradeoffs among three core dim...

Kushumba Mosque: The gem of Bengal

Kushumba Mosque: The gem of Bengal

Sajid Bin Doza 2020-01-10 20:51:21

Mosques during the Islamic period were established with phenomenal stylistic approaches. Eventually the medieval mosque of Bengal shifted the meaning of religious spatial quality starting from socio-p...

Bangabandhu- the people’s protagonist

Bangabandhu- the people’s protagonist

Atiur Rahman 2020-01-09 21:17:25

Bangabandhu is, in fact, a namesake of Bangladesh. He created the concept Bangladesh for which millions shed blood in 1971. He was a born leader who could inspire his fellow countrymen and women with...

The day Sheikh Mujib returns

The day Sheikh Mujib returns

Faruq Aziz Khan 2020-01-09 21:13:00

While handing over the office of the president to Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto on December 19, only three days after his army surrendered to the joint command in Dhaka, Yahya Khan passed on to Bhutto a sealed...

New Year wishes for the  distressed humanity

New Year wishes for the distressed humanity

Nilratan Halder 2020-01-03 21:45:34

Almost all people have their special fond wishes for the New Year. Even a child treasures in his/her small bosom a dream to be realised -one that eluded him or her before-in the year beckoning on the...

Winter veg in keeping you fit

Winter veg in keeping you fit

Fahmida Hashem 2020-01-03 21:42:04

As our previous generations used to say, you should always eat food that is available in the season. The changing of the seasons provides us with the unique opportunity to buy a variety of fantastic f...

A promise to blue economy

A promise to blue economy

Engr. Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Dr. Quamrul Ahsan, Dr. Anisul Haque, Dr. Munsur Rahman, Dr. Shampa and Dr. Shamal C. Das 2020-01-03 21:40:55

Over the past 48 years since independence, Bangladesh has made significant progress across the socio-economic spectra. The GDP has grown many times and the economy has transformed from an agrarian bas...

Inclusive growth policies and poverty reduction

Inclusive growth policies and poverty reduction

Abdullah A Dewan 2019-12-31 21:12:02

In its December 18, 2019 report, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) claimed that the overall poverty rate dropped1.3 per cent to 20.5 per cent in the Fiscal Year 2018-19 compared to the preceding F...

Fun to some but death to others

Fun to some but death to others

Nilratan Halder 2019-12-27 22:07:22

Even after a few deaths from stone thrown at running trains, the peril shows no sign of coming to an end. It is hard to believe that any adult person in his (her too!) right senses can do this. Most l...

Why businesses are securer together

Why businesses are securer together

Chris Pickett 2019-12-27 22:06:15

With only weeks to go before Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker hits the big screen, fans may now be contemplating what the latest edition to this endearing franchise might bring, with many...

Producing skilled human resources for mkts abroad

Producing skilled human resources for mkts abroad

Md Mazadul Hoque 2019-12-27 22:04:49

Bangladesh is in great trouble with the unskilled labor force employed in many countries for long. The employers are now sending the unskilled labor force back to Bangladesh. So, more than 12 million...

Linking growth to happiness in society

Linking growth to happiness in society

Md. Mashiur Rahman 2019-12-27 22:03:02

Humans born with weak health grow in the course of time. The humans learn from society, the attitude of other humans and books. Some are growing with authentic knowledge and some are with poor or unau...