The Financial Express

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SMEs: Keeping engine of growth in motion

SMEs: Keeping engine of growth in motion

Md Mazadul Hoque 2020-11-21 00:00:45

The country's small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are not in a good state at all amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The deadly virus caused disruption to their production and sales. Nearly eight million entr...

Spin-off effect on lower income groups

Spin-off effect on lower income groups

Md. Toufique Hossain 2020-11-21 00:00:37

Currently the Covid-19 pandemic has hit livelihood hardest. This terrible epidemic has not only claimed lives but also disrupted livelihood of marginal people. According to a joint statement by ILO, F...

FAA's global dominance fades as regulators prepare to weigh in on 737 MAX

FAA's global dominance fades as regulators prepare to weigh in on 737 MAX

Reuters 2020-11-19 18:14:13

Global regulators have held off approving the Boeing 737 MAX despite a decision by the US Federal Aviation Administration to end a 20-month grounding, highlighting changes in the global regulatory pec...

Prioritising digital resiliency in the road to recovery

Prioritising digital resiliency in the road to recovery

Maria Dzhanan 2020-11-16 05:08:31

With sixty-one per cent of small and medium businesses (SMBs) in the Asia Pacific reporting a fall in sales during the months of lockdown, and further waves and phased re-openings in place, there is a...

Role of accounting in economic growth

Role of accounting in economic growth

Syed A. Mamun 2020-11-14 00:00:51

"Once upon a Time, there was no Time (watch) but there was Accounting". When a professor stated this statement in accounting class of our undergraduate program in University of Dhaka to make us unders...

Rohingya’s access to piped-water

Rohingya’s access to piped-water

Sayed A.S. Sunny 2020-11-14 00:00:26

Since August 2017 over 700,000 Rohingya refugees arrived in Cox's Bazar from Myanmar's Rakhine State and settled in refugee camps. More than a half of them are women and girls, 55 per cent are childre...

Why aren't all girls in school?

Why aren't all girls in school?

Manos  Antoninis   2020-11-13 22:29:34

At the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, participants promised to advance the rights of women and girls everywhere. Part of that promise, set out in the historic Beijing Declaration...

Asset liability management amid virus

Asset liability management amid virus

Tapash Chandra Paul 2020-11-07 00:00:50

The Covid-19 pandemic has wrecked havoc throughout this world and Bangladesh has not been spared either. All the sectors including health, communication, and economy have been affected by this deadly...

Real estate investment planning

Real estate investment planning

Md. Shafiul Islam Rayhan 2020-11-07 00:00:33

The global Covid-19 pandemic plunged all kinds of businesses into a severe economic downturn. It is very normal that if there is an epidemic, there will be an economic recession. The impact of this ec...

Border haats on Bangladesh-Myanmar border: Opportunities and challenges

Border haats on Bangladesh-Myanmar border: Opportunities and challenges

Nazneen Ahmed 2020-11-06 21:13:10

Border haat is 'a rough-and-ready market' allowing 'local people to trade in locally-grown agricultural and manufactured' items along the border. The core idea behind the border haat is to provide a f...

Why the GOATs are great at ‘tap-ins’

Why the GOATs are great at ‘tap-ins’

Ahnaf Ahmed 2020-11-05 13:07:29

For a Football fanatic, at times, positioning and movement off-the-ball is as beautiful as a player going on a mesmerising run to score a sumptuous solo goal. The optimal reward – and one which...

Trends of Bangladesh's pharmaceutical imports

Trends of Bangladesh's pharmaceutical imports

Hasnat M Alamgir   2020-10-28 20:35:18

Pharmaceutical imports into Bangladesh have been steadily on the rise over the last several years. In fact, in contrast to its export value of US$129.95 million, Bangladesh imported pharmaceuticals va...

Emerging and frontier markets: Policy tools in times of financial stress

Emerging and frontier markets: Policy tools in times of financial stress

Dimitris Drakopoulos, Rohit Goel, Fabio Natalucci and Evan Papageorgiou 2020-10-27 21:19:12

After the unprecedented hit to economic activity in emerging market economies from the Covid-19 pandemic, their economic output is projected to shrink by 3.30 per cent in 2020. Central banks across em...

Trump's last stand for apartheid America

Trump's last stand for apartheid America

Jeffrey D Sachs   2020-10-27 20:21:09

The ferocity of the 2020 presidential election in the United States is not about Donald Trump per se, but about what he represents: the racist structures of power that have persisted in America for ce...

BD economy and current account surplus

BD economy and current account surplus

Md Mazadul Hoque 2020-10-24 00:00:40

Financial or current account in an economy indicates the state of total export earnings along with inward foreign remittance and the import payments. Ultimately, the current account surplus helps the...

Five aces for CMOs to tide over pandemic

Five aces for CMOs to tide over pandemic

Garrett Ilg 2020-10-24 00:00:00

The global pandemic has changed nearly everything for chief marketing officers (CMOs), forcing them to scramble as consumers shift even more to online shopping. Meanwhile, CEOs are pressuring their ma...

Fiscal policy for an unprecedented crisis

Fiscal policy for an unprecedented crisis

Vitor Gaspar, Paulo Medas, John Ralyea, and Elif Ture 2020-10-19 20:30:17

The Covid-19 crisis has devastated people's lives, jobs, and businesses. Governments have taken forceful measures to cushion the blow, totalling a staggering $12 trillion globally. These lifelines hav...

Living with the Covid-19 pandemic

Living with the Covid-19 pandemic

Md. Mashiur Rahman 2020-10-17 21:34:27

Presently the world is facing a difficult time because of coronavirus. The virus first broke out in China and then spread across the world like a rapid fire. A large number of people have died across...

A long, uneven and uncertain ascent

A long, uneven and uncertain ascent

Gita Gopinath 2020-10-14 20:04:08

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread with over 1.0 million lives tragically lost so far. Living with the novel coronavirus has been a challenge like no other, but the world is adapting. As a resu...

An epitome of global heritage

An epitome of global heritage

SM Sajjad Hossain 2020-10-09 22:36:55

Bangladesh's Sundarbans forest is remote and well known to the world for big cats' presence in the wild. It is also the world's largest mangrove forest. Every year, thousands of visitors from around...

The political economy of economic policy

The political economy of economic policy

Jeffry Frieden 2020-10-09 20:20:03

The Covid-19 pandemic strikingly illustrates the intersection of politics, economics, and other considerations. Public health experts have long warned that the world was likely to face a major pandemi...

Trade shows signs of rebound from Covid-19, recovery still uncertain

Trade shows signs of rebound from Covid-19, recovery still uncertain

WTO 2020-10-07 21:11:58

The World Trade Organization (WTO)  now forecasts a 9.20 per cent decline in the volume of world merchandise trade for 2020, followed by a 7.20 per cent rise in 2021 (Chart 1). These estimates ar...

Coronavirus and sliding Indian economy: What's the way out?

Coronavirus and sliding Indian economy: What's the way out?

Kavaljit Singh 2020-10-05 20:18:49

India has become the world's new hotspot for the Covid-19 pandemic as infection cases have surged in recent weeks. On September 22, the total number of confirmed cases surged past 5.6 million. If the...

Did Bangladesh revolutionise modern cricket?

Did Bangladesh revolutionise modern cricket?

Arko Saha 2020-10-05 11:38:03

As silly as it looks at first, you may find it quite amusing how Bangladesh played an interesting role in revolutionising modern cricket. How? Last year the world witnessed one of the most fascinatin...

The Covid-induced transformation

The Covid-induced transformation

Tapash Chandra Paul 2020-10-03 22:08:01

COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented devastation globally. UNDP has identified it as the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two. Globally, there have been approximately 30 milli...

The legal environment and the SME sector

The legal environment and the SME sector

M S Siddiqui 2020-10-03 22:06:12

Educational institutions in Bangladesh give a negative impression about business and encourage students to do government jobs. The family and society also have little respect for the business professi...

Covid-19 impacts on life cycle deficit in Bangladesh

Covid-19 impacts on life cycle deficit in Bangladesh

Bazlul Khondker and Muhammad Moshiur Rahman 2020-10-02 20:29:02

Almost all socio-economic impact assessments of COVID 19 used the economy-wide modelling approach (such SAM and CGE supplemented with employment matrix and poverty module) to examine effects on: (i) G...

Raising wages, squeezing corporate rents key to recovery from Covid-19 shock

Raising wages, squeezing corporate rents key to recovery from Covid-19 shock

UNCTAD 2020-09-27 20:38:11

The world should tackle hyper-inequality to build back a better global economy from the devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development...

Removing hurdles to higher FDI inflow

Removing hurdles to higher FDI inflow

Md Mazadul Hoque 2020-09-25 22:08:04

The inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) had not improved in Bangladesh to a great extent. Inadequate infrastructure coupled with bureaucratic complexities and a wide range of corruption kept inv...

Rural development through tourism

Rural development through tourism

Md Ziaul Haque Howlader 2020-09-25 22:07:17

This year the theme of the World Tourism Day as designated by the UNWTO 'Tourism and Rural Development' is very appropriate for the rural-dominating countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Rural...