The Financial Express

Where are your manners, Mr President?: UK minister asks Trump

| Updated: July 13, 2018 18:18:07

British Prime Minster Theresa May and her husband Philip stand together with US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at the entrance to Blenheim Palace, where they are attending a dinner with specially invited guests and business leaders, near Oxford, Britain, July 12, 2018. - Reuters British Prime Minster Theresa May and her husband Philip stand together with US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at the entrance to Blenheim Palace, where they are attending a dinner with specially invited guests and business leaders, near Oxford, Britain, July 12, 2018. - Reuters

A junior minister in Prime Minister Theresa May’s government asked Donald Trump: “Where are your manners, Mr President?” after the US leader criticised her Brexit strategy in an interview published during his visit to Britain.

Trump told The Sun newspaper that May’s plan for Brexit had probably killed off the chance of a US-British trade deal and said he thought May’s rival, Boris Johnson, would make “a great prime minister”. May and Trump are due to hold talks on Friday.

Trump’s comments dominated the news agenda in Britain on the first full day of his visit, and drew criticism from many politicians.

Sam Gyimah, a junior minister for universities, science and research, made his comment about Trump on Twitter, reports Reuters.


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