The Financial Express

May vows to keep UK united

| Updated: March 29, 2018 17:02:50

May vows to keep UK united

Theresa May has pledged to keep the UK ‘strong and united’ after Brexit as she marks a year to go until the UK’s departure from the European Union.

The PM is to visit England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, appealing to those for and against Brexit.

There are just months left to strike a deal on the future UK-EU relationship, says a BBC report.

And, with the Irish border remaining a sticking point, May will promise to ensure ‘no new barriers are created within our common domestic market’.

Since formal negotiations began between the two sides last June, an agreement has been struck on a Brexit ‘divorce bill’ - but the crucial issue of how they will trade together has yet to be settled.

On 29 March 2019, the UK will formally leave the EU and is due to enter a 21-month transition period before the final arrangements kick in.

But first, the PM must agree a deal in Parliament, with a vote expected in October.

On Wednesday, shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry faced criticism from within her own party for saying Labour MPs would probably approve the government’s ‘blah, blah, blah’ deal that would pass Labour’s six tests - which include maintaining benefits of the single market and customs union.

Meanwhile, speaking to the Independent, ex-PM Tony Blair has urged MPs to vote ‘according to what they genuinely believe’, even if it means defying their party.

On Thursday, May will visit a textile factory in Ayrshire, a parent and toddler group in Newcastle, have lunch with farmers near Belfast before meeting businesses in Barry, south Wales.

Speaking ahead of her trip, May will vow to regain control of ‘our laws, our borders and our money’ and that the UK will ‘thrive as a strong and united country that works for everyone, no matter whether you voted Leave or Remain’.

The prime minister has been accused of a power grab by the Scottish and Welsh governments over plans to repatriate some powers from Brussels to Westminster rather than to the devolved administrations.

She insisted each of the devolved administrations would see ‘an increase in their decision-making powers’ and that her government remained ‘absolutely committed’ to the devolution settlements.

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