UK imposes new sanctions against Myanmar in support of Rohingya community

FE ONLINE REPORT | Published: August 25, 2022 18:55:14 | Updated: August 26, 2022 10:34:16

UK imposes new sanctions against Myanmar in support of Rohingya community

The UK on Thursday took fresh action against Myanmar Armed Forces into the sixth year of the military’s campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya community.

New sanctions have been imposed against military-linked companies to limit their access to arms and revenue, said a spokesperson of the British High Commission.

Those being sanctioned include Star Sapphire Group of Companies, International Gateways Group of Companies Limited (IGG) and Sky One Construction Company Ltd.

Meanwhile, the UK confirms its intention to intervene in The Gambia v. Myanmar International Court of Justice Case to support international justice.

The case will determine whether Myanmar has violated its obligations under the Genocide Convention in relation to the military’s actions against the Rohingya in 2016 and 2017.

The Myanmar Armed Forces launched a devastating attack on the Rohingya communities living in Rakhine State, Myanmar on 25 August 2017. A UN Fact Finding Mission report stated that over 10,000 Rohingya were killed and 740,000 displaced into neighbouring Bangladesh.

“The report also claimed Myanmar Armed Forces engaged in a campaign of sexual violence, grave violations against children, torture and village burnings. These are the hallmarks of a military acting with impunity, and the UK notes its grave concern that they are employing these tactics in their current operations against pro-democracy groups in Myanmar” the spokesperson said.

The UK said that what happened to the Rohingya was ethnic cleansing and remains committed to taking action to stop the brutality of the Myanmar Armed Forces and hold them accountable.

Announcing the sanctions, minister for Asia Amanda Milling said the UK will always face down those who seek to undermine and destroy our values of freedom and democracy. Five years on, we continue to stand in solidarity with the Rohingya people and condemn the Myanmar Armed Forces’ horrific campaign of ethnic cleansing.

“Our decision to intervene in The Gambia v. Myanmar case and a further round of sanctions sends a strong signal of our continued support to seek accountability for the atrocities in 2017 and also restrict the military junta’s access to finance and the supply of arms” she added.

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