Three bombs rock Rakhine capital

FE Team | Published: February 24, 2018 17:04:55 | Updated: February 24, 2018 23:56:46

Bomb debris is seen after an explosion outside a building in Sittwe of Myanmar on Saturday. -Reuters Photo

Three bombs rocked the capital of Myanmar's Rakhine State, Sittwe, early on Saturday.

Local police said a policeman was slightly injured and the authorities were still working to determine who was behind the bombings.

The blasts come only three days after a large bomb killed two bank employees and injured nearly two dozen other people in the northeastern city of Lashio.

Several ethnic insurgent groups are fighting the Myanmar military at Lashio.

One of the Sittwe bombs - which went off around 4:30 a.m. - exploded in the backyard of an outspoken state government secretary, Tin Maung Swe, police said.

He is one of the highest-ranking officials in the local administration. The other two bombs exploded near the high court and a land record office.

Police spokesman Colonel Myo Thu Soe said there are suspects, but this not the time to talk. Police are trying to make sure about the suspects by analysing the structure of the bombs

According to Reuters, Myo Thu Soe also said three other unexploded hand-made bombs were found in the city.

Sittwe is the capital of Myanmar's violence-torn Rakhine where Rohingya Muslim insurgent attacks last year.

The attack sparked a massive military response that pushed 688,000 Rohingya across the border into Bangladesh.

Many of them recounted killings, rape and arson by Myanmar soldiers and police.

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