Syrian government kills 379 civilians, 121 children in a week

FE Team | Published: February 24, 2018 20:57:52 | Updated: February 25, 2018 13:34:25

Photo Credit: Reuters

Syrian government forces have killed more than 500 civilians during a week of intense bombardment of a rebel enclave near Damascus, activists say.

The victims in the Eastern Ghouta include 121 children, says the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based group monitoring the conflict.

Syrian government forces backed by Russia have been pounding the area since last Sunday.

The UN Security Council is struggling to agree on a ceasefire resolution, reports BBC.

A vote has been delayed several times since Thursday, and is now due to be held later on Saturday.

On Saturday, the Syrian Observatory said at least 29 civilians were killed, including 17 in the main town, Douma - bringing the total to over 500 for the week.

The group said the strikes were being carried out by both Syrian and Russian planes - although Russia denies direct involvement.

Barrel bombs and shell fire have been dropped on the area, where some 393,000 people remain trapped.

Aid groups report several hospitals being put out of action since Sunday.

The Syrian government has denied targeting civilians and said it is trying to liberate the Eastern Ghouta from "terrorists" - a term it has used to describe both jihadist militants and the mainstream rebel groups that dominate the enclave.

The plight of civilians in the area has alarmed world leaders. Conditions there have been described as "hell on earth" by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

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