The Financial Express

Washington seeks new deal with Tehran

| Updated: July 10, 2019 15:35:21

Brian Hook Brian Hook

US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook on Wednesday described US latest move in the Middle East as "defensive", reaffirming that Washington seeks a "comprehensive and enduring deal" with Tehran, reports Xinhua.

"No one should be uncertain about our desire for peace or our readiness to normalise relations should we reach a comprehensive deal," Hook said during a congressional hearing over US Iran policy.

Hook told the House Committee on Foreign Affairs that the ongoing pressure campaign against Iran has been effective, which aims to deprive Iran's revenue and to force it back to the table.

US President Donald Trump pulled Washington out of a nuclear deal in May last year and resumed energy and financial sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

The United States in the past weeks has continuously deployed military assets to the region on the pretext of "Iran's threat." The latest move was on Monday when Pentagon announced to send about 1,000 additional troops to the Middle East.

Despite Hook called these actions as "defensive move" to restore deterrence, lawmakers were worried about the growing risk of unintended conflict between the United States and Iran.

"I see a growing risk of miscalculation. I see more and more scenarios that could spark a conflict-that could lead to the United States stumbling into war," said Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Engel also made clear to Hook that "military action against Iran without the approval of Congress is absolutely not an option."

The tensions between Washington and Tehran have been rising due to the attack on two oil tankers last week in Gulf of Oman as well as Iran's threats of not complying with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Hook started his intensive trip to the Middle East and Europe on Wednesday, during which he would discuss the Iran issue with US allies and partners, according to a statement issued by the US State Department.

The statement said Hook would hold bilateral meetings in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain. The envoy would then travel to Paris, discussing "a range of issues concerning the Iranian regime" with his counterparts from Britain, Germany, and France.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday in a broadcast speech on state television that US efforts to isolate Iran have been unsuccessful.

Meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers demanded clarity Wednesday about the Trump administration's position on the use of military force as they sought answers on how the White House plans to address rising tensions with Iran.

The lawmakers specifically pointed to what they called tenuous links between Iran and al-Qaida that they fear the administration could use to justify a military attack under an authorization granted by Congress after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The US special envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, told the House Committee on Foreign Affairs that questions about the authorization would be better answered by a lawyer.

But he added, "If the use of military force is necessary to defend US national security interests, we will do everything that we are required to do with respect to congressional war powers and we will comply with the law."

Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., referenced Pompeo's testimony to Congress in April, when he said, "There is no doubt there is a connection between the Islamic Republic of Iran and al-Qaida." Pompeo continued: "They have hosted al-Qaida. They have permitted al-Qaida to transit their country."

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who sits on both the Senate Foreign Relations and Intelligence committees, said he does believe there is a link between Iran and al-Qaida.

But he also said the authorization Democratic lawmakers are referencing is "irrelevant" because it would not be needed "to respond to an attack, and to prevent one if it's imminent."

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