First 100 days of President Donald Trump

Maswood Alam Khan | Published: April 29, 2017 19:55:24 | Updated: October 23, 2017 14:54:18

First 100 days of President Donald Trump

Jobs of an American president in the First 100 Days are the first few steps he undertakes to fulfill what he had promised before being elected. These first steps are the most important ones that initiate the direction the American people have chosen for their nation to follow by electing their new president. This phase of presidency is about moving forward and reaching goals. This period is seen as a high-water mark when a president enjoys popularity and when he uses the initial momentum to set his agenda for the next four years and push through a variety of legislations in Congress. The president at this stage is at his most powerful position when the world learns about his ability, fallibility and character and closely watches him adjust to his newfound status. He is also at his most vulnerable position because he is in the process of learning the role of the presidency. The first 100 days sets the tone of his administration.
Ever since 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt had chosen his first three months in office to implement the first round of New Deal initiatives in order to salvage the American economy during the Great Depression, the First 100 Days have been seen historically as a unique period of time-when the new president finds first and perhaps the best chance to reshape the nation according to his own agenda and vision.
Success in the First 100 Days of American presidency, however, never signaled a guarantee of success later. Nor have early failures necessarily condemned a presidency to collapse in later years. Inexperience and confusion have also made several past presidents susceptible to mistakes in the First 100 days. So, it is wise to withhold judgment and give the new president more time.
On April 29, Donald Trump, America's 45th president marked his 100th day occupying the most powerful office in the world. Measuring his performance from a neutral point of view is tricky because of high expectations from him, his self-aggrandizements, and bewilderments caused by some of his unrealistic pledges. He wanted to make "America great again" by some actions---mostly rhetorical----and congressional bills----mostly implausible----that included repelling and replacing Obama Care, construction of a gargantuan wall on the Mexican border the expense of which to be borne by Mexico; suspending travels from some Muslim-majority countries, banning immigrants from "terror-prone nations" and labeling China a currency manipulator. His presidency-defining healthcare legislation and travel restrictions have been thwarted by the Congress and the Judiciary.
In contrast, President Obama, as we look back, made substantial breakthroughs in his First 100 Days. He with full support of Democrats rescued the nation from economic recession and made groundwork that led to more than 15 million new jobs, saved the auto industry, provided millions of children with health insurance, ensured equal pay for equal work-all the steps that had positive impacts on the lives of Americans.
Donald Trump is frustrated. So are American people and the people of the world as Mr. Trump, an unpredictable President, has not met most of their expectations. Of course, Americans are divided by Democrats who can't stand him as their President thinking he has performed "much worse" than expected and the Republicans who firmly believe it is only Trump who can make their country prosper, thinking he has performed 'much better". Ninety-six percent supporters of Trump say they would vote for him again.
President Trump had the unique advantage of a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate, but he was miserably unable to fulfill any of his major pledges in his first 100 days
Mr. Trump's approval rating of nearly 40 percent is, however, the lowest of any American president since World War 2. As regards to approval rating in the first 100 days as an American President, Ronald Reagan earned 68 percent, George W. Bush 62 percent, and Barack Obama 65 percent, to name a few.
But President Trump hardly believes any poll or a piece of news when it goes against his wish. He last Friday eulogized himself by touting the accomplishments of his First 100 days in office, calling his administration as one of the "most successful" in history. "Since my inauguration, economic confidence has soared, reaching higher than any time in nine years. Optimism among manufacturers is at a record high, and small-business confidence has seen its largest increase in nearly four decades," he said.
The greatest victory of Trump's first 100 days is undoubtedly the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. He also reduced federal regulations--another achievement. His greatest loss, however, was his failure to come up with an alternative to Obama Care. And his greatest blunder was perhaps wasting his first three months antagonizing lawmakers, particularly the Democrats, by his passionate tweeter bursts. He could gain hugely had he only reached out to leaders in Congress, tried a little bit to woo supporters of Hilary Clinton, avoided praising Russian President Vladimir Putin so publicly and shied away from answering questions about Russian interference in 2016 US election.
The president needs to understand the complexities of running American presidency. His best move for the future will be to tone down his rhetoric in blaming democrats. He should deliver policy speeches aimed at core Democratic constituencies, including Latinos, blacks, Muslims, and particularly the young people. And he must handle tension arising in Korean peninsula with equanimity.

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