The Financial Express

Death, you are a cruel monster

Death, you are a cruel monster

Death, you are a cruel monster. You don't know any mercy. You are ruthless. You know no love. Yes, it's the fact, it's your real character and yes, we admit it's natural.

But very recently I heard a bad noise over the phone that shocked me very hard. I could believe hardly my ears that our leader was no more. I was truly sorry to hear the news of the sudden death of him. Physically he was looking very energetic and strong. He was a successful writer and editor and a responsible father and husband to his family. How can I express what is in my heart? The news shocked me very deeply and I was in intolerable mental agony.

Here is a real story of the war veteran who fought throughout his whole life to reach the goal along with his colleagues. He is AHM Moazzem Hossain, editor of The Financial Express and also its publisher on behalf of its owning company, International Publications Limited (IPL). He passed away at a city hospital at the age of 71 on August 01, 2018.

He had been the editor of the county's lone financial daily since its publication in 1993. We are deeply shocked by the sudden death of the iconic editor of The Financial Express.

He was a strong voice in journalism. He was always fearless in publishing the truth. He had steered the newspaper very successfully and earned it reputation far and wide. As a business newspaper of the country his contribution is well known among the employees of the FE.

His death has caused a great loss in the country's media sector. I had seen him from very near for a long time. He was a very standard and prompt decision maker in his profession. He shared his thought, plan and experience with us. I had a great opportunity as a Chief General Manager of The Financial Express to work with him. He was not only an editor but also an expert administrator and one of the best organisers of a private company.

He was very devoted to his work. He was friendly to all. But if anyone committed any mistake or omission while discharging professional duties, he used to get very tough.

He was a very optimistic person. He had all the qualities to be remembered with respect and love. He advised his colleagues to be punctual and not to lose the mental strength under any stress.

He did not take any professional wrongdoing lightly. He never hesitated to take anybody to task for any mistake. Afterwards, when he cooled down, he would also never forget to say sorry to them.

He is no more with us and also there is no possibility for him to come back again among us. We have begun to miss him very much. Perhaps we could not realise what he was, when he was with us. His voice and call will not be heard again. Tears will dry, but memories will live forever. I extend my deepest sympathy to his bereaved family, relatives and well-wishers.

May Allah bless him. We will never forget him. We pray for him. May his departed soul rest in peace. May Allah give his family the strength to bear the shock of this loss.

Major Md. Atiar Rahman (Retd.) is Chief General Manager of The Financial Express. [email protected]

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