The Financial Express

What is behind the \"Fake News\"?

| Updated: October 24, 2017 12:12:53

What is behind the \"Fake News\"?

People all around the world are overwhelmed with "Fake News" or with the claims of "Fake News". It could, however, be a well-planned strategy by anyone who needed to hide his predicaments by disqualifying the sources of challenges he might be facing or could potentially be facing. In a bizarre situation currently experienced in the USA, all information that arose from public, private media and from the sources of government were routinely categorised by the newly-elected administration as "Fake News" or "leaks". Media and the public, on the other hand, kept themselves busy in paranoia frenzy in reinstating and defending the so-called "Fake News"; while many of the daily policy decisions were taken unnoticed to reap benefit for the core leadership of the new administration. 
US real estate leaders, with some exceptions, had already come forward to develop a new era for real estate development. Investors from People's Republic of China are in the queue to augment a closer tie. Even in the recent Middle East and European trip, very many lucrative deals were made to benefit the challenger of the "Fake News". Ironically, we are all absorbed and preoccupied with defending the "Fake News" which is only misdemeanour, if one is seriously accused of spreading it. The proof of this becomes quite evident if one can correlate it with the timely and measured response and add on by Kremlin.  Mr. Putin even went far enough to vouch for the US President that the US President was telling the truth about his meeting with Mr. Serge Lavrov and Ambassador Kysliak. It was a joke in Moscow but quite hurting in Washington as officials and legislators were confused and locked on by the strategy of "Fake News" that was keeping them away from oversight responsibilities.
This assault by "Fake News" was planned very early and was very deliberately used to discredit the media and any opposition. The US Media, however, over the years lost public support as they continued to infringe on private life and support politically biased news. Media owners manipulated news for commercial gain, for supporting a benefactor or for propagating an ideology. Opportunity was rightly tuned to mock the news as "Fake News" and hide behind the strategy to discredit all opposition. People became fatigued by non-compliance by the officialdom, by total disregard to public services by the political leadership and by hounding by the media to one's bed room, drawing room, marketplaces and in the board rooms that made every one's successes a controversial one. 
Some one very cleverly worked out an opportunity and took advantage of the fatigue-prone and tired people of fighting every day for bare existence. The mere exhaustion caused by the negligence in the governance and brain-bashing digital assault drove the US people to desperation. In such situation anyone, especially a "Con man", could gain the advantage.
We presumed that cold war that heralded the modern era, had gone after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but it would be wrong to assume that one day the 'new Soviet Union' (Russian Federation) would not like to cause disarray in the affairs of their adversaries. It was not necessary to demonstrate classical chivalry in war or cause a Nuclear Holocaust as more subtle procedures were available of implanting an agent as a "Trojan horse"; disrupting records of government offices, hospitals, schools and, if need be, directing an exodus of immigrants to denigrate the system of democracy and social justice. All these happened and were experienced by both the US and Europe.  
The dynamics of governance has traditionally remained the same and operated under the same format as was done from the beginning of civilisation that few people somehow managed to occupy the control and directed the rest to follow them.
Governance, through a social evolution over the years, adopted a systematic structure of control and influences over the people. Competing thoughts and ideology struggled against each other to gain domain and expand spheres of influence. But one thing became clear that by shutting out individual talent and, cauterising private initiatives, system of control eventually became unsuccessful.
Failure of the Soviet Union was mostly for the flaws in the system of control than that of assault penetrated by the "free world" led by the USA. The flaws accumulated a nonperforming dynamics and frustrated recipients that were easily mobilised to break down the edifices of the governing structures. 
Now, one can easily notice the symptoms of dissatisfaction, frustrations and disquiet among the citizens of the free world for the non-compliance by the officialdom, callous disregards for commitment by the political leaders and induction of unscrupulous opportunists in politics.      
Social dynamics of politics and political dynamics of social order have now become blurred and indistinct. This may be a cause of worry that "freedom" is in stake and that a set-up is now going to be prepared to control the domain by those who never believed in "freedom". Perhaps that is why an assault on "truth" was made by "alternative truth" so that "Fake News" prevails.
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