The Financial Express

Feasting on nature’s wintry veg bounties

Feasting on nature’s wintry veg bounties

Eating more vegetables make you more attractive, veg can change your skin pigment and improve circulation causing a "natural glow". It can help you lose weight. Most vegetables are very low in calorie. Besides, this helps prevent constipation, the natural fibre in veg strengthens your gastrointestinal muscle, lowers the risk of chronic disease and also can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancer and type 2 diabetes. Vegetables boost everyday energy - vegetables contain vital nutrients that leave you feeling more energised.

Food that's available in the season not only tastes better, but also may contain ingredients that suit the body's needs for that time of the year. In cold weather, our immune system needs more support to keep everything safe. During the winter months, there are certain vegetables that warm you up and are available in abundance. So, change your diet for these months and enjoy these winter vegetables.

Once winter rolls around, a number of fresh fruits and vegetables begin to get a little scarce. Sure you can buy most fruits and vegetables round the year at the grocery store, but let's face it, the taste and quality are not same. You can find plenty of ways to reap all the health benefits of the produce, even when it is freezing cold outside. Try to purchase seasonal produce as much as possible. We tend to eat less fresh fruits and vegetables during the winter as we fill up on other foods. So, focus on fresh produce to keep you healthy during the cold months.

Following are the list of winter vegetables, you can enjoy this season. Carrot is a crunchy power food which contains a good amount of vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin A, B, B2, B3, C, D, E and K. Carrot improves eyesight and prevents night blindness as it contains carotene. It prevents cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It is good for maintaining good skin, hair and nails.

Green peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables rich in health-friendly phyto-nutrients, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. It lowers cholesterol levels in the body, supports blood sugar regulation. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits and is a good source of Vitamin C, B-complex vitamin, folate and phytosterols. Weight watchers can include these green gems in their diet as they are low in calories and high in fibre contents.

Cabbage is really healthy and generally inexpensive. It has lots of vitamins and minerals, including folate and vitamins C and K. There are also lots of antioxidants and fibre along with cancer-preventing compounds called glucosinolates. Although you can enjoy the benefits no matter how you cook cabbage, you get the most by eating it raw.

When it comes to cauliflower, it lacks chlorophyll but has plenty of other nutrients including vitamin C (91.5% of the DV), folate and dietary fibre. Cauliflower is even a good source of omega-3 fatty acid.

Broccoli is known to be a tasty vegetable which is rich in nutrients. It prevents the thickening of arteries. It can help fight heart disease and stroke. Broccoli can help prevent cancer. It prevents cataracts. Beta-carotene in broccoli strengthens the immune system along with minerals, like zinc and selenium. Both calcium and vitamin K are present in broccoli in large amounts. They are important for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C and fibre.

White radish is packed with sodium, vitamins C, potassium, phosphorus, as well as magnesium. It is also low in calorie and it aids in maintaining muscle, nerve and bloodstream functions and keeps bone and teeth strong, it helps in maintaining good skin, blood vessels and ligaments.

Sajna is loaded with valuable minerals, healthy proteins and essential minerals making it a healthy food. It may help in increasing breast milk production for mothers. It is a good source of Vitamin A, C, Potassium and phosphorus. It improves digestion and purifies blood.

There are so many ways to eat healthy mineral-rich vegetables in the winter. Winter is the season designed to restore your adrenals/kidney/bladder organs. If you have adrenal fatigue or burnout, this is your time to harness the power of Nature to heal.

Winter is perfect for slowing down, resting and reflecting. It's also an ideal time to nourish your body with delicious, vitamin-rich, mineral and photochemical-packed soups and meals made with Nature's perfect super food... vegetables. Fresh winter vegetables give you a mouthful of healthy benefits in every bite.

The writer is Consulting Nutritionist & CEO at Miss Nutritionist (a centre for nutrition and weight management)

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