The Financial Express

Donald Trump faces criminal investigation

Supporters of former US President Donald Trump gathered outside the US Capitol building in Washington D.C., United States on January 06, 2021. Insurgents stormed the building as lawmakers tried to certify the 2020 election	— Collected Supporters of former US President Donald Trump gathered outside the US Capitol building in Washington D.C., United States on January 06, 2021. Insurgents stormed the building as lawmakers tried to certify the 2020 election — Collected

Former US President Donald Trump is having serious problems, including criminal charges since the FBI found out from Mar-a-Largo in January around 700 pages of classified materials. Some of them were at the highest levels of classification. In fact, these are purely official documents. As of now, there is no allegation against any immediate-past president. Liz Cheney, Republican House representative and daughter of a former Vice-President of the Republican Party, would contest against Donald Trump. It is ironic that as of now the Republican Party did not take any action against former President Donald Trump. Possibly they are looking for the action from the Justice Department. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is treating the legal problem as a political one. Possibly, that will not stand at all. Many commentators are of the opinion that the strategy will not succeed at all. Donald Trump's contempt of the rule of law of the United States seems to be so brazen that it cannot be ignored at all. On 6th January of 2021 he organised a riot in front of the Capitol to declare him winner of the electoral votes. Representatives of both houses were present while electoral-college votes counting was in progress by Vice-President Mike Pence of the Republican Party. A group of people with sticks and guns entered the area of Capitol where both houses of the Parliament sit. It is interesting to note that President Trump gave a highly emotional speech to riot people who marched toward Capitol breaking open police barriers. They crossed the police outpost and entered the Capitol with flags and weapons while chanting 'fight for Donald Trump'. It was never witnessed in the United States of America. According to CNN, right wing rioters overran the Capitol and temporarily delayed counting of votes and issuing the certificate for President Joe Biden. It was highly unnatural, indeed. It was ironic that the former President had seen impeachment motions twice during his presidency by the House of Representatives including a couple of members of the Republican Party. No president ever in the recent past faced impeachment. Now the Supreme Court comes in the picture which denied the request of the former President's attempt to undermine investigation into the 6th January 2021 attack on the US Capitol. Hopefully the former President will likely face imprisonment.
A good number of former Attorney Generals plus Donald Trump's personal lawyer investigators will prove his guilt beyond doubt while a massive fraud lawsuit could financially destroy Donald Trump. There is hardly any doubt that the behaviour of Donald Trump was unethical since it is revealed that he took away more official secret documents. It is interesting to note that a Republican senior Senator who was close to Donald Trump is reported to have asked a police officer why he did not beat riot people severely.

Mohammad Amjad Hossain, a retired diplomat from Bangladesh, former Joint-Director of Central Kachi-kachar Mela, the biggest children's organisation of Bangladesh and former President of Nova Toastmaster International Club of America, writes from Falls Church, Virginia

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