The Financial Express

Search results for: Review

For education befitting 21st century

For education befitting 21st century

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2017-07-20 19:50:18

We are living in the increasingly globalised and fast changing world of the 21st century which offers both opportunities as well as challenges. Societies everywhere are undergoing widespread transform...

Stock market in Bangladesh: A review of the first decade

Stock market in Bangladesh: A review of the first decade

Helal Uddin Ahmed 2017-07-18 20:23:46

A nation's economic development is often reflected by development of its capital market. As a component of this market, the stock market plays an important role in industrial development through s...

No signs of improving US-Russia relations

No signs of improving US-Russia relations

Mohammad Amjad Hossain 2017-07-16 20:33:27

Special Counsel Robert Muller has been investigating into the alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The congressional committees have begun questioning former Director of FB...

Rebooting the European Union

Rebooting the European Union

Muhammad Mahmood 2017-07-15 19:38:10

The rising anti-European Union (EU) sentiment, largely spearheaded by  populist political leaders  in a number of EU member countries  is being challenged by newly elected French President Emmanuel Ma...

How love for music binds talents together

How love for music binds talents together

Shihab Sarkar 2017-07-13 20:02:25

The country's band music icon Ayub Bachhu has indignantly said recently he would sell off all his guitars. They have been his prized possessions for long. Given the popular singer's dedication...

US versus Russia: Trump concedes grounds to Putin

US versus Russia: Trump concedes grounds to Putin

M Serajul Islam 2017-07-12 20:04:57

On his trip to Brussels at the end of May to meet the European leaders for the first time, President Donald Trump did not commit his country explicitly to Article 5 of the NATO Charter under which the...

Credit underwriting automation - Bangladesh perspective

Credit underwriting automation - Bangladesh perspective

-- 2017-07-10 19:57:42

If you have to mention a single word that is currently embracing the whole finance and banking world, it would be "fintech". It generally refers to a new financial industry that applies technology to...

Chikungunya: Tiny insects creating havoc

Chikungunya: Tiny insects creating havoc

Sarwar Md. Saifullah Khaled 2017-07-08 20:49:04

Tiny but dangerous insects called mosquitoes can transmit deadly diseases like malaria, zika, dengue, chikungunya and various forms of diseases encephalitis. What philanthropist and entrepreneur Bill...

How ADB steered Asia\'s development

How ADB steered Asia\'s development

Asjadul Kibria 2017-07-06 20:08:31

The development journey of Asia and the Pacific region in the last 50 years is interesting on many counts. During this half century period, the whole region has teetered on the brink of an uncertain f...

Celebrating the hope \'option\': Canada and Bangladesh

Celebrating the hope \'option\': Canada and Bangladesh

Imtiaz A. Hussain 2017-07-06 20:04:52

Canada's 150th anniversary was more than an occasion for Bangladesh. Exposing many of the traits tallying with our own hopes, it was, indeed, special. When we were born as an independent country i...

Saga of the new VAT Law: A comedy of unforced errors

Saga of the new VAT Law: A comedy of unforced errors

Zaidi Sattar 2017-07-05 18:55:11

It was unprecedented. A major economic and revenue reform initiative that was tabled with the fiscal year (FY) 2017-18 Budget proposal in Parliament had to be aborted. After a few weeks of rancorous e...

Dhaka University: Global standards and local challenges

Dhaka University: Global standards and local challenges

Saifur Rashid 2017-07-04 19:06:24

Only a few days back, on July 01 this year, Dhaka University celebrated its 96th anniversary with the theme of "Higher Education for Innovation and Development". With this theme in mind, and the fact...

Disappointing role of central banks: Another lesson from Japan

Disappointing role of central banks: Another lesson from Japan

-- 2017-07-03 19:15:56

Yet another in a long string of negative inflation surprises is at hand. In the United States, the so-called core CPI (consumer price index) - which excludes food and energy - has headed down just whe...

Empowering women: A progress story

Empowering women: A progress story

M Shahriar Azad Bhuiyan 2017-07-02 21:03:07

Empowering women as well as promoting gender equality is crucial to the accelerating sustainable development in Bangladesh. Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a bas...

Xi\'s book on governance makes global impact

Xi\'s book on governance makes global impact

Xinhua 2017-07-02 20:57:51

A book on governance written by Chinese President Xi Jinping marked the 1,000-day of its debut later last month, setting a new record in China's publication history in 40 years with over 6.25 mill...

Lessons from ASEAN in global electronics trade

Lessons from ASEAN in global electronics trade

M. Rokonuzzaman 2017-07-01 20:08:02

Electronics is a typical example of linear model of innovation. The journey started with the invention of transistor in 1947. Three American physicists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockl...

China\'s First Half of 2017: Growth amid deleveraging

China\'s First Half of 2017: Growth amid deleveraging

Dan Steinbock 2017-06-30 20:03:28

Despite seemingly mixed messages, China's great shift from easing to tightening has begun. While growth will continue to decelerate, it can still remain on the deceleration track, even as delevera...

Gazi Shahabuddin: Portrait of a unique kind of activism

Gazi Shahabuddin: Portrait of a unique kind of activism

Shihab Sarkar 2017-06-29 21:26:14

The publication of the now-defunct Bangla literary-cultural monthly Sachitra Sandhani is inextricably associated with Gazi Shahabuddin Ahmad (1939-2017). Coming to the market in 1956, its publication...

Realising Potential: Bangladesh\'s Experiences in Education

Realising Potential: Bangladesh\'s Experiences in Education

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2017-06-29 21:19:48

The education system that we find in today's Bangladesh is basically inherited from the British-India period. Expansion of education among the mass people started during this time. Little improvem...

India\'s new green car policy may benefit China

India\'s new green car policy may benefit China

Sayed Kamaluddin 2017-06-28 21:18:02

Given the recent contentious development in Sino-Indian bilateral relations, it would think it to be most unlikely for India to do things that would be remotely beneficial to China. But that is probab...

Celebrating Eid festival

Celebrating Eid festival

Muhammad Abdul Mazid 2017-06-24 21:02:46

Festivals are common to all societies and cultures. With the change of social and economic structures, the nature of festivals also changes. But some festivals are so deeply ingrained in the social or...

Macron sets populist uprising in France at rest

Macron sets populist uprising in France at rest

Mohammad Amjad Hossain 2017-06-23 21:32:40

The people of France have made history by  ensuring a thumping victory of newly-elected President Emmanuel Marcon's brand new party of LA Republique en Marche ( centrist Republic on the Move ) to...

FY ’18: Exclusions within the framework of inclusion

FY ’18: Exclusions within the framework of inclusion

Muhammad Abdul Mazid 2017-06-23 21:31:14

The importance of inclusiveness for economic development has gained momentum as a result of findings about financial exclusion and its direct correlation to poverty. Microcredit as a concept and syste...

SIC - the silver lining in our decadent social structure

SIC - the silver lining in our decadent social structure

Raihan M Chowdhury 2017-06-22 21:28:24

During the troubled days in Dhaka University more than two decades ago, we often enjoyed 'EL' just as a full-time job-holder does. But this EL was not 'Extended Leave' as it is general...

Quest for a unique identity of Dhaka Eid

Quest for a unique identity of Dhaka Eid

Shihab Sarkar 2017-06-22 21:24:49

Despite the increasing jubilation and fanfare around Pahela Baishakh--the Bangla New Year in the recent times, the Eid celebrations are far too overpowering to be compared with. Even if one highlights...

The economic causes of Islamic extremism

The economic causes of Islamic extremism

Imtiaz A. Hussain 2017-06-22 21:01:36

Economic resources can produce Islamic extremism in at least four ways: the very absence of any meaningful economic resources; the extension of economic resources for non-economic purposes; the divers...

Empowering women: An unfolding progress story

Empowering women: An unfolding progress story

M Shahriar Azad Bhuiyan 2017-06-21 21:07:53

Empowering women as well as promoting gender equality is crucial to the accelerating sustainable development in Bangladesh. Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a bas...

Trade risk management in banks: Bangladesh perspective

Trade risk management in banks: Bangladesh perspective

-- 2017-06-19 20:40:43

Payment for and  delivery of goods in international trade can be challenging and are fraught with risks for trading partners. These risks can be minimised or mitigated by choosing the right payment an...

Budget 2017-18: A critical view

Budget 2017-18: A critical view

M. A. Taslim 2017-06-17 20:25:10

The Finance Minister (FM) Mr. A M A Muhith presented the next fiscal year's budget to the parliament on June 01, 2017. He claimed it to be the biggest and the best of all the budgets he has presen...

The curious case of UBER

The curious case of UBER

Mahmudur Rahman 2017-06-15 20:40:46

In hindsight it was the wildfire success of Facebook that re-channelled focus creating the information technology (IT) bubble. Up went the stocks as well as expectations of a new and exciting future f...