The Financial Express

Search results for: Review

China's innovation strategy - a critique

China's innovation strategy - a critique

Shang-Jin Wei in New York 2018-07-03 22:15:50

In his statement announcing a second round of punitive tariffs on imports from China, US President Donald Trump singled out the Chinese government's "Made in China 2025" plan as a threat to US economi...

Monday watched a mad time at the World Cup      

Monday watched a mad time at the World Cup    

Maswood Alam Khan   2018-07-03 22:09:58

Spellbound, captivated, enthralled, shell-shocked - these are all old clichés so overused that none of these words could precisely describe the dramas the world witnessed on Monday night in Rus...

Four lessons from Egypt's World Cup experience

Four lessons from Egypt's World Cup experience

Mohamed A. El-Erian in Laguna Beac, California, USA 2018-07-02 22:13:51

Egypt's national soccer team rode to Russia for their first World Cup finals in 28 years on a wave of lofty expectations and potent fan enthusiasm. They are now returning home having lost all of their...

A night of penalty shoot-outs

A night of penalty shoot-outs

Maswood Alam Khan   2018-07-02 21:24:27

Well done Russia!  It's great to see the Host Nation win. We can now brace for this World Cup to unfurl more pleasant surprises and some horrid shocks as the clock is ticking away towards the qu...

You came here and yet it feels like you never did

You came here and yet it feels like you never did

Maswood Alam Khan 2018-07-01 21:40:54

When people are frustrated with their stars they need ways to vent their annoyances. Some numb themselves and avoid the topic. That is not a healthy way. You must take a hard look at it anyway and try...

The game called catch-up is complete, now what?

The game called catch-up is complete, now what?

Mahmudur Rahman   2018-06-30 21:55:14

The small and lone German flag that fluttered half-mast atop a building opposite to Eastern Plaza in Dhaka was unlikely to have been positioned as a mark of mourning but there it was. German football...

Despite defeats there were hopes

Despite defeats there were hopes

Maswood Alam Khan 2018-06-30 21:37:21

Every defeat, every loss teaches us a precious lesson on how to improve our performance the next time. To bear defeat with poise, to accept criticism with composure, to receive honours with humility -...

Lanka-Bangla relations - from trading partnership to free flow of investment

Lanka-Bangla relations - from trading partnership to free flow of investment

Srimal Fernando and Mizly Nizar 2018-06-29 21:37:57

Forty-five years after the establishment of formal diplomatic ties between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, both the South Asian neighbours have undergone remarkable changes in their foreign policies. They h...

Pleasure in others' misfortune was the theme

Pleasure in others' misfortune was the theme

Maswood Alam Khan   2018-06-28 21:54:33

Many of us were disconcerted to watch in the social media how people, especially Bangladeshi football fans, had enjoyed defeats of Germany to South Korea on Wednesday night! Was it out of our jealou...

Hapless refugees -- the harsh realities

Hapless refugees -- the harsh realities

Shihab Sarkar   2018-06-28 21:46:29

A lot of people may have already been on the verge of becoming oblivious to Europe's migrant crisis of 2013-15. But although the intensity of the mass influxes into the continent has weakened consider...

In Messi Argentina trusts

In Messi Argentina trusts

Maswood Alam Khan 2018-06-27 21:36:46

In Messi Argentina trusts, in God Messi trusts. Look, how God whispered to Messi's ears! It was the first soft touch he made to cushion the ball, then he rolled it into his choicest position, and last...

Gaming Disorder: A new disease hard to diagnose

Gaming Disorder: A new disease hard to diagnose

Carmen Arroyo and Emily Thampoe 2018-06-27 21:25:21

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has formally added "Gaming Disorder" as a disease recognised by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in its 11th revision of its official collection o...

Penalties missed were the stories

Penalties missed were the stories

Maswood Alam Khan   2018-06-26 21:35:16

URUGUAY VERSUS RUSSIA: Never, most of us fancied, it was easy to beat Russia, especially after the host country have won their first two games with relative ease. Thanks mainly to home pitch advanta...

EU funds giant research project on migration   

EU funds giant research project on migration  

Bibiana Piene in Oslo     2018-06-24 22:15:42

What is the relationship between migration and development? And why do people choose to leave or stay in their home countries? Those are among the questions an international research project will expl...

China's re-innovation strategy disarrays innovation race

China's re-innovation strategy disarrays innovation race

M Rokonuzzaman 2018-06-24 21:21:42

The rivalry between the USA and China in the technology world has started to surface as trade war. China's income growth through manufacturing is saturating. Like the USA, Europe, Japan and South Kore...

A marvellous football night

A marvellous football night

Maswood Alam Khan 2018-06-24 20:59:15

We failed to blink back tears of joy and surprise. It was the first, the finest and the fiercest football the world watched last night between Germany and Sweden. Heads of about 3.2 billion people, al...

Seismic events in the football world war

Seismic events in the football world war

Maswood Alam Khan 2018-06-23 21:30:19

ARGENTINA VERSUS CROATIA: Crushing hearts of millions of supporters around the world Argentina unbelievably crumbled against Croatia by 3-0 on Thursday. The humiliating defeat left fans in the stadium...

The economy of the World Cup

The economy of the World Cup

Andrew Zimbalist 2018-06-22 21:43:27

Whom would you trust more, Russian President Vladimir Putin or Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel? Whereas Putin is reveling in the attention that Russia is receiving as host of the 2018 World Cup, Emanuel ha...

The rising woes of female migrant workers

The rising woes of female migrant workers

Nashir Uddin 2018-06-22 21:37:31

Cases related to abuses and harassments of Bangladeshi female migrant workers in the Middle East (ME), especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), have marked a significant rise in recent times....

Russia marches on, Senegal dances, Japan radiates

Russia marches on, Senegal dances, Japan radiates

Maswood Alam Khan 2018-06-20 21:06:40

All our eyes watched a moving spectrum of football in the last three tournaments of this World Cup. Almost confirmed is Russia's proud march towards the knockout stage after the host country crushed E...

Washington-Pyongyang rapprochement

Washington-Pyongyang rapprochement

-- 2018-06-20 21:01:05

The exuberance generated by the successful summit between the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jai-in in April inspired US President Donald Trump to have direct engageme...

SCO Summit: Highlights of President Xi's speech   

SCO Summit: Highlights of President Xi's speech  

People's Daily of China 2018-06-18 22:20:36

Chinese President Xi Jinping on June 10, 2018 delivered a speech at a large-scale meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Qingdao in China's eastern Shandong Province. The...

Alternate explanation of current disorder

Alternate explanation of current disorder

Imtiaz A. Hussain 2018-06-18 21:13:36

Cat Stevens once posited how 'the first cut is the deepest'. In the same vein, one might argue the last cry is the loudest. Australians should know something along these lines, how the sweetest song o...

WB's capital increase - multilateralism gets a shot in the arm

WB's capital increase - multilateralism gets a shot in the arm

Bertrand Badré and Charlotte Petri-Gornitzka in Paris 2018-06-18 21:11:14

In April, governments from around the world agreed to a $13 billion capital increase for the World Bank Group (WBG), sending a clear signal that multilateralism is far from dead. The additional fundin...

Euphoria that finally portends regret and ruins

Euphoria that finally portends regret and ruins

Shihab Sarkar 2018-06-14 21:48:28

Like in almost any other country, addiction to one or another narcotic substance has been in practice in Bengal region since the ancient times. The fact is reflected in the numerous popular tales in c...

Current trends of social protection system

Current trends of social protection system

S. M. Rayhanul Islam 2018-06-14 21:39:42

There is a growing consciousness of the benefits of social protection. It plays a key role in achieving sustainable development, promoting social justice and realising the right to social security for...

The politics of global governance

The politics of global governance

Mahmudur Rahman   2018-06-14 21:34:49

If the decline in relevance of the G8 gathering ensued in 2008 with the famous creation of the G20, Donald Trump's storming out of the latest summit without endorsing the joint communique and snubbi...

Gaps in the national budget

Gaps in the national budget

Syed Jamaluddin 2018-06-13 22:21:38

The Finance Minister has presented a robust budget in Parliament. The budget has many bright aspects, but there are certain gaps which need to be looked into. The budget can fill in some of the gaps b...

The 'real' truth about investments

The 'real' truth about investments

Steve Brice 2018-06-13 22:04:18

Everyone wants definitive answers, or the 'the truth'. This is especially the case in the investment world, where people are vying to make correct predictions about the future. We all prefer to listen...

Recent policy shift - a shock to mobile assembling industry

Recent policy shift - a shock to mobile assembling industry

Nashir Uddin 2018-06-12 21:42:37

Of late, the National Board of Revenue (NBR) has issued a Statutory Regulatory Order (SRO) that apparently created discontent among a section of the investors who were encouraged by the government's p...