The Financial Express

Search results for: Review

New lights on Hume's thoughts on economics

New lights on Hume's thoughts on economics

Mark G Spencer 2021-04-22 20:49:09

'There is as yet no monograph in English devoted to a comprehensive study of Hume's economics, let alone one that connects this body of thought to his philosophical tenets,' write our authors in their...

A time-fitting tax reform with tobacco

A time-fitting tax reform with tobacco

Nasiruddin Ahmed and ABM Zubair   2021-04-22 20:46:12

In Bangladesh, cigarette taxation presents an excellent case to strengthen the cause of a time-fitting reform in the tax system and also emphasises the need for better policy decisions in this secto...

Agriculture proves its worth again

Agriculture proves its worth again

Shamsul Huq Zahid 2021-04-22 20:43:09

An estimated 24.5 million people have become 'new poor' in the country because of the pandemic. This was the finding of a ' rapid response research' carried out jointly by the Power and Participation...

Time to focus on collective mobilisation of Zakat

Time to focus on collective mobilisation of Zakat

Asjadul Kibria 2021-04-22 20:42:19

It is now well recognised that Zakat, the fourth pillar of Islam, is an effective tool to reduce poverty and social discrimination. Being a Muslim-dominated country, the impact of Zakat in the society...

Mobile Apps and  our children

Mobile Apps and our children

Rafiqul Islam  and A. S. M. Ahsan Habib 2021-04-21 21:02:40

The whole world is in our hands now. Most of the problems are solved by smart phone in the palm of our hand. This smart phone is being used to complete all the daily tasks as well as some tasks in...

Fighting climate change for peaceful coexistence in prosperity

Fighting climate change for peaceful coexistence in prosperity

M Rokonuzzaman 2021-04-21 20:57:49

Global unity and prosperity for peaceful coexistence have never been a reality for the human race. Our history is riddled with incidences of war and war-like situations for protecting as well as invad...

A snap-shot of industry's job creation capacity

A snap-shot of industry's job creation capacity

Haradhan Sarker 2021-04-20 21:01:46

The manufacturing industry's share to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Bangladesh is more than 24 per cent. Such contribution has been on the persistent rise since 2005-06. During the  period of&n...

Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth

Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth

Md Touhidul Alam Khan 2021-04-20 20:54:41

Every year on April 22, Earth Day, the world's most prominent environmental movement, is observed in an effort to make people aware of the Earth's natural environment. Founded by former US Senator Gay...

A Covid-19 recovery contribution

A Covid-19 recovery contribution

Vitor Gaspar, Michael Keen, Alexander Klemm, and Paolo Mauro   2021-04-19 20:54:51

The economic costs of the pandemic have fallen most heavily on those least able to bear them. Governments have taken steps to support people and firms through wage subsidies, unemployment benefits,...

Is ignorance actually bliss?

Is ignorance actually bliss?

ISMOT HASNINE MASRUR E KHUDA 2021-04-19 14:10:09

Our intelligence gives us an insight of what is around us; it gives us an understanding of what might happen in future; it gives us the instinct to consider all possible scenarios while taking the nex...

DC Scheme: Answer to private sector’s pension conundrum

DC Scheme: Answer to private sector’s pension conundrum

CHOWDHURY NABILA TASNIM 2021-04-19 11:07:47

One of the key reasons why public sector employment is widely sought after in Bangladesh is the security such jobs provide. Much like the other South Asian peers, the government of Bangladesh provides...

Food safety and socio-economic dimensions during Ramadan

Food safety and socio-economic dimensions during Ramadan

Muhammad Zamir 2021-04-18 21:41:00

Eagerly awaited by Muslims all over the world, this ninth month of the Islamic calendar, the month of Ramadan is associated with pristine values that are synonymous with restraint, patience and comm...

Managing young people's anxiety during Covid--19 Pandemic

Managing young people's anxiety during Covid--19 Pandemic

Md. Shamsul Arefin 2021-04-18 21:15:19

 The Covid-19 pandemic has created a great challenge for the school-going children.  According to the United Nations report, more than 91 per cent of students worldwide have been impacted by...

Birthday of a shining beacon

Birthday of a shining beacon

Abdul Bayes 2021-04-17 21:36:11

Today is the 78th birthday of a man known for his honesty and versatility;  a man of profound promptitude and punch. He is considered as one of the icons in our socio-economic arena.  ...

Towards becoming happier than most

Towards becoming happier than most

AREFIN MIZAN 2021-04-17 14:32:33

Bangladesh has this year climbed six more notches in the World Happiness Index ranking 101st among 149 countries. Certainly it is good news – and that is too at a time when Bangladesh turns 50 &...

An EGG for a creative career

An EGG for a creative career

EESHITA AZAD 2021-04-17 12:48:56

It was a widely held belief that if there were such a thing as a perfect food or a super food, eggs would be it. Eggs are readily available, easy to cook, affordable and packed with protein. Healthwi...

Tribute to a renowned authority in Islamic Economics

Tribute to a renowned authority in Islamic Economics

Foyasal Khan 2021-04-16 21:06:45

Professor Dr Muhammad Abdul  Mannan, a renowned authority in Islamic economics, banking and finance, passed away on March 31, 2021 due to cardiac complications while undergoing treatment at a Dha...

The menace of neck pain

The menace of neck pain

IMTIAZ AHMED 2021-04-12 15:23:30

Those who do sedentary jobs are facing a new menace along with back pain and that is neck pain. Sitting in front of the computer desk and staring at the screen for hours is taking a serious toll on th...

What’s in a trademark?

What’s in a trademark?

JARIF AHMED 2021-04-12 14:18:35

Famous American artist Larry Harvey once said, “We don't use the trademark to market anything. It's our identity.” Indeed, a trademark is an identity of a business. It can be any name, wor...

Urgent need for plastic waste management policy and EPR   

Urgent need for plastic waste management policy and EPR  

Ferdaus Ara Begum 2021-04-11 21:05:51

Plastic is one of the indispensable commodity  in our today's life and its usage has gradually been increasing.  The range of plastic products are also varying in nature from kitchen to offi...

Gender and unemployment: Lessons from the pandemic

Gender and unemployment: Lessons from the pandemic

Simonetta Zarrilli and Henri Luomaranta 2021-04-11 20:19:41

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on both women's and men's employment - but at different stages of the crisis due to the gender segregation of economic activities in many countries. Un...

The post-pandemic economic recovery: Cautious optimism

The post-pandemic economic recovery: Cautious optimism

Muhammad Mahmood 2021-04-10 20:45:33

The Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented in its global outbreak causing significant slowdown in economic activities and reductions in income and triggering unemployment. The pandemic has posed formidabl...

30 years of KOICA in Bangladesh

30 years of KOICA in Bangladesh

Young-Ah Doh 2021-04-10 20:35:42

This year, 2021, is a momentous year for Bangladesh, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Republic of Korea. KOICA is celebrating its 30th anniversary to further deepen the exist...

Changes in socialisation over time: Do we socialise like before?

Changes in socialisation over time: Do we socialise like before?

APURBA FATIMA 2021-04-10 13:15:10

Gone are the days when one would wait for weeks, if not months, to sniff at fresh ink ardently put on ivory or cream printed letters. Those letters would carry a significant weight of communication, f...

Alpana in different festivals

Alpana in different festivals

Mayesha Afiya Jarin 2021-04-09 17:43:38

Alpana is such a part of Bengali’s life that almost every Bengali girl enjoys decorating with this scarlet painting on different occasions.  Students paint Alpana on Pahela Baishakh, Febru...

Identifying the economic impact of Covid-19

Identifying the economic impact of Covid-19

Asjadul Kibria 2021-04-08 21:57:36

There is no doubt that the pandemic, originating from the global spread of deadly coronavirus, has dealt a severe blow to lives, livelihoods, and economies worldwide. Governments have tried to contain...

Why is the Indian government afraid of digital news?

Why is the Indian government afraid of digital news?

Aakar Patel 2021-04-07 22:10:35

I finished writing a book called 'The Price of the Modi Years' a few days ago. It should be published later this year. It is a history of India since 2014 and I have examined the facts and the data on...

People with thalassemia in the time of Covid-19

People with thalassemia in the time of Covid-19

Farhin Islam 2021-04-07 20:08:25

"In the last five months, I had needle pierced in my body for more than nine hundred hours because I am taking intensive iron chelation therapy. But I am not sure whether I would be able to continue e...

The future of education: Inclusivity and technicality

The future of education: Inclusivity and technicality

TAHSEEN NOWER 2021-04-07 15:10:01

Bangladesh has just passed its 50 years of independence. Though it has achieved a lot by the time, there are fields like education that need further improvement. In this age of science and technology,...

Suez highlights the fragility of globalisation

Suez highlights the fragility of globalisation

Patrick Mazza 2021-04-06 20:55:41

The global supply chain is an elaborately choreographed ballet, nowhere more than in the flow of containers through which 60 per cent of the world's seaborne trade travels. Calibrating a stream of ove...