The Financial Express

Pharma cos perform mixed in Q3

| Updated: May 08, 2022 10:07:34

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Listed drug makers have performed mixed in reporting the growth of earnings per share (EPS) for January-March (Q3), 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year.

Of 15 listed pharmaceutical companies, the EPS of eight companies advanced moderately for January-March, 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year.

For the Q3, 2022 the EPS of those eight companies rose ranging 10.47 per cent to 46.66 per cent.

Two of the companies such as ACI and Square Pharmaceuticals said their EPS advanced riding on revenue growth and proficient usage of materials.

On the other hand, the EPS of five companies declined ranging 1.07 per cent to 50.74 per cent for the Q3, 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year.

The EPS of one company remained unchanged while the remaining company has not yet disclosed financials for the Q3, 2022.

Of the companies which saw rise in EPS, ACI registered the highest growth of 46.66 per cent in EPS for the Q3 compared to the same period of the previous year.

The consolidated EPS of ACI was Tk. 0.44 for January-March 2022 against Tk. 0.30 for January-March 2021.

The company also informed that the Group achieved a significant revenue growth which was mainly contributed by the sales growth in some of the business segments.

"The higher growth in consolidated revenue compared to the growth in expenses contributed to the increase in consolidated profit compared to the same period of last year," the company said in its disclosure.

It also said the consequential results of increased consolidated revenue and profit ultimately contributed to improve consolidated EPS and NOCFPS.

Ambee Pharmaceuticals saw 33.33 per cent rise in EPS to close at Tk 0.40 for January-March 2022 against Tk. 0.30 for January-March 2021.

ACME Laboratories has registered 29.34 per cent growth in EPS to close at Tk. 2.38 for January-March 2022 against Tk. 1.84 for January-March 2021.

Of other companies which saw rise in EPS, Advent Pharma has registered 31.81 per cent growth, Square Pharmaceuticals 18.11 per cent, SILVA Pharmaceuticals 15.78 per cent, Pharma Aids 12.37 per cent, and Renata 12.76 per cent.

The consolidated EPS of Square Pharmaceuticals has stood at Tk. 5.15 for January-March 2022 against Tk. 4.36 for January-March 2021.

"Consolidated EPS increased in sales revenue along with proficient usage of materials led to increased gross profit for the reporting period," the company said in its disclosure for the Q3.

It also said favourable movement in foreign exchange transactions has also added in increased net operating profit.

"The reduced corporate tax rate for the period resulted in the increment of EPS," the company said.

The EPS of Indo-Bangla Pharmaceuticals remained unchanged to Tk. 0.12 for January-March 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year.

Of the companies whose EPS declined, Beacon Pharmaceuticals saw the highest fall of 50.74 per cent to close at Tk. 0.99 for January-March 2022 against Tk. 2.01 for January-March 2021.

Beximco Pharmaceuticals has reported its consolidated EPS of Tk. 2.47 for January-March 2022 against Tk. 3.28 for January-March 2021.

The company's EPS declined 24.69 per cent for the Q3, 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year.

Of other companies, the EPS of Orion Pharma and The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry declined 10.52 per cent and 1.07 per cent respectively.

Central Pharmaceuticals has reported a loss of Tk 0.08 per share for January-March 2022 against the loss of Tk 0.10 per share for January-March 2021.

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