Boris Becker claims diplomatic immunity in bankruptcy case

FE Team | Published: June 15, 2018 20:17:28 | Updated: June 17, 2018 17:17:43

Boris Becker claims diplomatic immunity in bankruptcy case

Former tennis champion Boris Becker is claiming diplomatic immunity against an attempt to sue him, reports BBC.

The three-time Wimbledon winner claims his appointment as a diplomat by the Central African Republic (CAR) affords him protection from any legal claims.

Mr Becker was declared bankrupt in 2017 over money owed to private bank Arbuthnot Latham. He is now being pursued for "further assets".

The conflict-ridden CAR is one of the world's poorest countries.

It made Mr Becker a sport and culture attache to the EU in April 2018

Mr Becker's defence has been lodged in the High Court.

His legal team said: "This means he cannot be subject to legal process in the courts of any country for so long as he remains a recognised diplomatic agent."

The former tennis champion said the proceedings were "unjustified and unjust" and being declared bankrupt "inflicted a whole heap of damage on me".

He said he was asserting diplomatic immunity to "bring this farce to an end" and stop "the gravy train for the suits".

He added: "I am immensely proud of my appointment [by] the Central African is incredibly important in Africa and is fast becoming a universal language."


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