The Financial Express

World Science Forum 2017 ends in Jordan

| Updated: November 14, 2017 20:13:03

World Science Forum 2017 ends in Jordan

The World Science Forum 2017 concluded at the Dead Sea shores on Friday in Jordan with the issuance of a declaration by the participants, reports xinhuanet.com.

They said that science and the ethical application of evidence-informed methods offer essential tools to address challenges that leaders and politicians are confronted by at national and regional levels.

At the end of the forum, which attracted some 3,000 scientists and policy makers and experts from more than 120 countries, the participants said the world is empowered by science as never before.

"Scientific and technological advances are at a point where challenges to our health, environment and wellbeing may be defined and addressed in increasingly effective ways. Yet, despite these great strides forward, so many communities on our planet remain powerless and deprived of some of the very basic requirements for life, liberty and hope. So many more of our fellow human beings are at the mercy of fear, insecurity and instability in their lives and livelihoods," they said in the declaration.

They said the World Science Forum 2017 has assessed the role of science in building a future that promises greater equality, security and opportunity for all, and in which science plays an increasingly prominent role as an enabler of fair and sustainable development.

The participants underlined the need for education and jobs programmes to support mobility and integration of migrant and refugee researchers and students.

They also called for the inclusion of migrant and refugee researchers in the negotiation process of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration due to be signed by UN Member States in 2018.

They also supported the launch of a regional science forum for the Arab World.

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