ISPAB urges customers to pay monthly bills amid COVID-19 shutdown

FE Online Report | Published: April 11, 2020 14:45:54 | Updated: April 14, 2020 16:32:30

ISPAB urges customers to pay monthly bills amid COVID-19 shutdown

Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB) urged its customers to pay monthly bills in time amid the coronavirus shutdown.

The internet service providers (ISPs) are providing internet services round the clock during the home quarantine period although their expenditure increased more amid the shutdown situation than that of the normal time, which is also creating difficulties for them to continue their service, the association said in a statement.

The banks, insurance, telemedicine, outsourcing, call centers, RMGs, media, hospitals, e-commerce and government services are smoothly running as the ISPAB continues its efforts amid the virus shutdown, the statement added.

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