The Financial Express

5 Websites that offer important utilities for free

| Updated: June 18, 2022 12:49:56

5 Websites that offer important utilities for free

There is a common perception that free websites are not of much use as the paid ones. While it is true to some extent; people often do not get the best free utilities due to a lack of knowledge about the best websites.

Here are some suggestions of some of the most useful utility websites you can explore out of thousands of free options.

remove.bg: Suppose you took a great photo during your visit to a national park last summer. You want to upload it as your LinkedIn profile photo, but the problem is there are unnecessary objects and people in the background, which makes the photo not very suitable for a professional profile picture.

You wish you could change the background but you don’t have  ‌Photoshop skills either. You can simply remove the background from any photo for free using remove.bg. Just upload the photo on the website, and the AI works incredibly well in the most complex photos to give you a clean, background free photo in an instance.

Sejda PDF editor: Very often we come across forms that we have to fill out which come in a pdf format, and there’s hardly any default way to fill out or edit a pdf which makes the task really annoying.

With Sejda PDF editor, you can edit any PDF for free and can make all sorts of changes without causing any damage to the original PDF file. This is a useful utility tool to have, especially for people who are involved with surveying.

thenounproject.com: A good presentation slide can be the differentiator between a successful investment pitch and a failed one. We have to use all sorts of imagery to convey our message to our audience, and thenounproject.com can be of tremendous help.

Search any name in the website search bar and you will be provided icons for that name, and use the icons for free. You can also use this website to create YouTube thumbnails.

passwordgenerator.net: It is hard to overstate how incredibly important it is to have strong passwords for internet safety. We often fail to understand how easy it is for hackers to figure out mundane passwords like your birthdate or your favourite movie name.

This website will let you create complex and unique passwords for free in some simple steps. Added with a password manager, you can make all of your online profiles on different websites and social media virtually impenetrable.

AB TESTGUIDE: Suppose you are running a YouTube channel, or you are a professional graphics artist who is making a thumbnail for a company for a marketing project.

You have come up with two thumbnails that you think will suit your client's preference, but you are confused about which one will do better amongst the online audience.

AB TESTGUIDE lets you test the thumbnails between two different audiences and know the result about which one of your works did better.

The most important thing about this website is that it gives you statistical results about whether the public preferred your works by chance or they really did like one of your thumbnails because it was more engaging.

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