The initial confusion created over the earlier reported statement made...
A study carried out by the Brac Institute of Governance...
Natural disasters in Bangladesh and the losses accruing as a...
The country's jute sector is a manufacturing sector that has...
While Japan is set to show the world a highly...
"...2020 has shown that governments must increase investment in public...
Despite a recent claim of the government that Dhaka will...
America's former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser in...
No New Year has ever burst forth from the darkest...
Nobody could imagine at the turn of the new-year that...
Many people can remember well the days of sending or...
When the first case of Covid-19 was detected on March...
Traffic congestion in the capital causes a loss of about...
The December 14's Electoral College vote finally cemented the US...
The formation of a platform with as many as 500...
Adopted 72 years ago by the United Nations, the Universal...
The country's plastic goods manufacturers have urged the government not...
On the day of the independence of Pakistan on 14th...
By the time the latest extension of closure of educational...
The money spent on rice does have a small share...
Transformation of the microfinance institutions is inevitable considering rural economic...
It is unfortunate that the moves to streamline foreigners' jobs...
That universities in the country rank poorly even in the...
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