The Financial Express

Urs of Miah Saheber Maidan Khanqua held

Urs  of Miah Saheber Maidan Khanqua held

The annual Urs marking the 282th death anniversary of Alhaj HazratMaulana Shah Sufi Sayed Abdur Rahim Shaheed (RA), founder of the Mia Saheber Maidan Khanka Sarif, and the 10th descendant of Boro Pir Hazrat Abdul Kader Jilani (RA) was held on the mazar premises on Wednesday  at Luxmi Bazar in Old Dhaka, said a press release.

A day-long programme including Quran khwani after Fazar prayers, hamd, naat, and milad mahfil, religious discussion and discussion on the life and activities of Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Shaheed widely knows as' Miya Shaheb Huzur' after  Zohar prayers was organised on the occasion.

The ninth goddinashin pir Hazrat Shah Sufi Sayed Ahamadur Rahim, who is also the Mutawalli of Hazrat Shah Sufi Sayed Abu Yousuf Abdullah (RA) Waqf Estate and director of Mia Saheb Maidan Shah Saheb Bari Jamey Masjid conducted the doa mahfil and akheri munajat.

The programme began through recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Haji Dr Mohammed Ishtiaq Sazzadur Rahman,   Hafez Md Faruq and   Hafez Mohammed Rohmotullah.

Pesh Imam of Shah Saheb  Bari Jame Masjid Hazrat Maulana Jabed Omar AL-Kadri   and other Islamic scholars spoke on the occasion. The milad mahfil was conducted by Pirjada Sayed Abdus Salam.

Later tabarak was distributed among the devotees.

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