The Financial Express

Trump’s policies worry Hajj pilgrims

| Updated: October 24, 2017 09:38:12

Trump’s policies worry Hajj pilgrims

Even at Islam’s holiest sites and during the most sacred time of year for Muslims, some people cannot stop talking about Donald Trump.



Among one group of American, Canadian and British pilgrims in Makkah for Hajj, the US President and policies they say target Muslims and immigrants are a regular conversation topic.



As a candidate, Trump proposed barring Muslims from entering the United States. In office, he ordered temporary bans on people from several Muslim-majority countries, which have been blocked by courts that ruled they were discriminatory.



His administration has denied any intention of religious discrimination in the travel ban, saying it is intended purely as a national security measure.



But sharp rhetoric about the threat posed by “radical Islam” which was a central part of his campaign has also drawn accusations he risks alienating more than three million Americans who practise Islam peacefully.



Many American Muslims say his stance has fuelled an atmosphere in which some may feel they can voice prejudices or attack Muslims without fear of retribution, according to media reports.

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